1. 2 votes
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    Marketing idea

    In order to get more players we have to think more about the Digital Marketing that is done for this game. My ideas are these: 1. create an instagram of the game with the content creator option and upload certain videos and images and pay for advertising aids, instagram is a worldwide platform so you could get a lot of new players. 2. access google advertising aids pay so that the game appears in searches related to pirates/marines/one piece etc. one piece, which is where the gameplay of the game comes from, has an expectation of millions of people since it is one of the most watched animes in the world. It would also win many players. 3. Contact professional YouTubers who test the game and make videos on their channels. It is also one of the platforms worldwide, so it would also be a great possibility to get players. many youtubers look for projects like this to help them get more players. I have more ideas but these are the most economical and effective within the low price

  2. 1 vote
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    Beast Tamer Profession.

    This idea is comes from another suggestion but I think its a better fit as a profession than a class and I will try and explain how I think a tamer profession can fit into the game and how it could benefit all players and reward the ones that actually picks the profession over players that have not.
    1. A player that picks the beast tamer profession would gain the ability to tame all the beast in the game including bosses.
    2. A beast tamer would be able to use any tamed beast to fight alongside them.
    3. Beast tamers would be giving a skill to tame beast which would scale with their energy stat, the higher their energy and profession level the greater the chance of a successful tame.
    4. Non tamers would also be able to use tamed beast but not the tamable bosses. (bosses would be beast tamer only tames)
    5. All tames would have a base stat number with bosses having slightly better stats than their normal version. (20% or so better stats)
    6. Apart from all tames having their base stats, each stat would have a 1-10% random generated stat buff to make no two tames the exact same.
    (Optional) Tames can also have a very rare (1/500) varying version from normal that have a 5-15% stat buff to make players that want to farm them over and over feel rewarded for doing so.
    7. In order to balance out this system, all tames would have an energy stat requirement in order to use them. (example 10 energy for a boar and 50 for an eagle)
    8. All Summoning skills would go on cooldown only when the tame is recalled or dies.
    (Optional) When a player have a tame out, they have an energy reduction debuff which can be 20% of the tames stat requirement.
    Potential Skills(Optional)
    Buff tame: tamer puts a buff on their tame for a short time.
    Sacrifice tame: the tamer kills their tame to buff themselves.
    Share pain: The tame take some of the damage that the timer would have taken.
    As you can see I tryed to give the base idea without over complicating it but at the same time I tryed to fix all the potential problems I can see that would off balance the profession from the others but at the same time keeping it relevant as a profession to use as a main character and not just an alt slave.
    We only have two beast that are bosses right now but more may be coming in the future to make tamers main more versatile in combat and at the same time maintaining a balance build and not being overpowered.
    p.s Their may be some things that I would have missed out but I  hope I made it clear for all to understand what i have included also this is just an add-on suggestion and not a must have or need to be added right away to.

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    Pirate Souls Suggestions

    I've got a ton of ideas so lets just get straight to it. See the file below.
    Pirate Souls Suggestions.pdf
    Farukon Ronbarudi

  4. 0 votes
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    The leveling experience.

    Was thumbing around with the idea of how to get players to level 50 and make the experience of the grind a little less of a struggle.
    Key takeaway: Knives and Blowgun/Handgun helps fill a void of lack of skills at low level.
    Key takeaway2: a few more classless consumables may help push players to end game.

    I would like to suggest a nerve gas smoke bomb or something to help players get out of a sticky situation faster.
    They could be a little more expensive around 10 berry each, the stun could be micro (0.5)

    Torch. puts a burn debuff on an enemy, minor throwing range straigh line 5. 5 berry each. last 5 seconds deals 5 damaeg/tick damage (+wp/5?)

    Caltrops, little pointy mines that deal some damage when another runs them over. flat damage no stat bonus. last 60 seconds. 10 second cooldown.

    Much later? Sea prism shackles, throw a pair of sea prism shackles that silence for 1 second? range 5?

    Thanks for reading again.

  5. 0 votes
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    Years of Experience (Profession Reword)

    This suggestion is to re-work how the profession system is right now, it goes without saying that its very basic and needs lots of improvements which will impact the game and players experience. It should be noted that this may be long because I want to make it is as detailed as possible.
    The first thing would be to give all professions a leveling system (1-25) and set it in a way that its independent of normal leveling but at the same time each level give you character experience. 
    The second is to make all professions work together with one another or independent if needed but it will be more beneficial to work with other players but can still buy items needed from NPC.
    The third is to put professions work stations in the main town on every island and it comes with a cost to use them, it will be less if your faction have control of that island.
    The forth is to give all professions its own story quest that will unlock the ability to gain more levels and options like skills and recipes, this is so players will feel like they are really doing a profession and to prevent profession slaves like alts.
    The fifth is to add lots of new items for every profession that drops from mobs or bosses which will add to what we have that comes from objects like trees.

    As i said in the start this is a re-work so i will go into detail on how I think each profession can be changed using the system rules I just gave. Lots of things would be changed and two of them would be renames like Crafter, because every profession would be crafting something or the other I think this needs a name change to a Smith, Doctor will also get a name change to a Medic because they will be doing lots of other things also but Cook will stay as it is.
    The main function of a Smith would be to create weapons and gear with varying stats using the the weapon system I suggested and the gear system we have now with each level unlocking better recipes, also it will have a dismantling system. The level will also improve the success rate and its maximum stats it can give (with a limit), this will be added to what we have with the profession right now.
    New Items that will be needed for this class would be weapon parts and gear parts that can drop from bosses or mobs.
    Example on how levels can work also every action will give profession experience also note i will not add everything in this example.
    Level O quest to become a Smith
    Level 1 weapons and gear level 1-10
    Level 3 Cooking Pot and Syringe
    Level 5 first story quest
    Level 6 weapons and gear level 11-20
    Level 8 Cooking Pot II and Syringe II
    Level 10 second story quest upgrade weapons using notes
    Level 11 weapons and gear level 21-30 and dismantling gear and weapons
    Level 13 Cooking Pot III and Syringe III
    Level 15 third story quest
    Level 16 weapons and gear level 30-40
    Level 18 Knife and darts 
    Level 20 final story quest
    Level 21 weapons and gear level 41-50
    Level 22 Knife II and picket pistol 
    Level 25 Siege weapons and Ship weapons 
    The Cooking Pot and Syringe would be items for Cooks and Medics to use to crafter items.
    The dismantling system will be used as a way for Smiths to get back some parts (if successful) from unwanted gear and weapons they find, buy or craft.
    Medics will deal with all thing that have to do with a players Health, physicals or mental, it can be by healing them directly with a skill, making potions that heal HP or remove de-buffs. The healing skill will play a big part in this as it will be leveling with the profession and players will be able to improve it how they want.
    An example on how this leveling system can work also not everything will be placed here.
    Level O quest to become a Medic
    Level 1 Get healing skill
    Level 3 Use Syringe and Cook item to make Healing potions and de-buff remover
    Level 5 first story quest
    Level 6 Healing skill improve better heal I or remove de-buff I
    Level 8 Use Syringe II and Cook item II item to make Healing potions II de-buff remover II
    Level 10 second story quest
    Level 11 Healing skill improve better heal II or remove de-buff II
    Level 12 Health Regen potion
    Level 13 Use Syringe III and Cook item III item to make Healing potions III
    Level 15 third story quest and learn revive skill
    Level 16 Healing skill improve better heal III or remove de-buff III
    Level 17 Mental potion, for 1 min the player cant fail in crafting
    Level 20 final story quest
    Level 21 revive skill improve
    Level 22 Life potion for 3 sec the player takes no damage
    Level 25 Immune Potion (for 1 min a player cant be de-buffed)
    remove de-buff I is  (stun, silence and sleep), de-buff II is (bleed, fire), de-buff III is (food de-buff and any long lasting one that's not battle injury).
    Cook will make all things that deals with buff, each level of Cook will improve the crafting skill, with each level unlocking better recipes and having a chance for a critical success giving your food a 50% improvement.
    Level O quest to become a Medic
    Level 1 Cook Meat I (buff defense a bit)
    Level 3 Food buffs I each stat will have its on form of this (+4% to a stat -2% to a stat) and item for medic I
    Level 5 first story quest
    Level 6 Cook Meat II (buff defense a bit more)
    Level 8 Food buffs II (+6% to a stat -3% to a stat) and item for medic II
    Level 10 second story quest
    Level 11 Cook Meat III (buff defense a good amount)
    Level 12 Fattening Food (Player moves slower and cant roll but buff HP by 20% for 3 mins)
    Level 13 Food buffs III (+10% to a stat -5% to a stat) and item for medic III
    Level 15 third story quest
    Level 16 Brain Food (Buffs all professions by 5 levels for 1 min)
    Level 17 Spicy Food (sets the user on fire and buff damage by 10% for 1 min)
    Level 20 final story quest Stack buff
    Level 21 Cool food (The user becomes frozen for 10 secs, they cant move or take damage)
    Level 25 Last meal (Buff all stats by +50% for 1 min but Dies when it ends and cant be rez by a medic)
    The pot that the Smith makes can be used by only by a cook in their bag which will make them able to cook food from anywhere but if they die it have a chance to break, it does not give crafting experience and also the player cant use it to cook food over level 15 but it is a good way for a cooks to craft low level food for free  also at lvl 20 the cook can stack buffs by eating 2 cooked meals at the same time
    There is a lot more things I want to add but don't want to make this any longer than it is also the examples I used it not really how item will work but to give an idea on how it can work.

  6. 1 vote
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    Item Influx Situation

    I just want to get this out the way before more and more items arrive

    The whole change of direction from full Cosmetics to item Stats is a great change and that's a fact
    but now we need to get ahead of the situation that will definitely arise in the upcoming weeks...

    which is Item Influx... It's no doubt that it's great to farm for Items over and over until you get the Prefix that you want
    but as it is we have no way of removing these items from the player's hands

    as there are 0 systems that removes these items... and sooner or later the complaints of "I have too much of these useless items"
    will surely appear

    okay now that's out of the way... let's actually think of solutions to this problem
    from the messages I've read there's still some "downtime" between the artists producing said items
    so it would definitely be do able to produce these countermeasures

    i.e Salvage Items to Scraps to be sold for the Shop /
    Dismantle Items for GENERAL used CRAFTING MATERIAL /
    RNG Systems like  [Enhance and Refine systems (+1 to +10 ) with Item break chance at +6 above]

    but ye.. it's great to be prepared for these things now rather than get caught off guard by them later

  7. 0 votes
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    Item Influx Situation

    I just want to get this out the way before more and more items arrive

    The whole change of direction from full Cosmetics to item Stats is a great change and that's a fact
    but now we need to get ahead of the situation that will definitely arise in the upcoming weeks...

    which is Item Influx... It's no doubt that it's great to farm for Items over and over until you get the Prefix that you want
    but as it is we have no way of removing these items from the player's hands

    as there are 0 systems that removes these items... and sooner or later the complaints of "I have too much of these useless items"
    will surely appear

    okay now that's out of the way... let's actually think of solutions to this problem
    from the messages I've read there's still some "downtime" between the artists producing said items
    so it would definitely be do able to produce these countermeasures

    i.e Salvage Items to Scraps to be sold for the Shop /
    Dismantle Items for GENERAL used CRAFTING MATERIAL /
    RNG Systems like  [Enhance and Refine systems (+1 to +10 ) with Item break chance at +6 above]

    but ye.. it's great to be prepared for these things now rather than get caught off guard by them later

  8. 1 vote
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    Mid Level Bosses.

    Pirate Captain
    Marine Captain
    Giant Eagle
    Rabid Coyote
    Enraged Leopard

    similar to how the mountian bandit leader exists, these could all exist. They could be just enlarged versions of the normal sprite. more HP and removed indicators in the likeness of the green eagle/coyote. Since currently bosses that blink do not have tells.

  9. 0 votes
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    Level 50 Quests

    Third NPC: Level 50 quests. Hajiwari Bar or Rhum Island Bar? New bar?

    Purpose: use this quest npc to help push players towards achievements. these quests don't need to be a daily but could be a daily. checks for players achievements, picks one randomly and assigns the task with a berry amount.

  10. 1 vote
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    Artifacts/Feats/Event only items.

    Artifacts/Feats/Items that change the way certain mechanics act.

    example 1: Pirate King's Blood. Your health now affects your damage instead of your aim/agility, your willpower now determines your energy instead of the energy stat.

    example 2: Soul-eater's pact. When less than half of your maximum energy, reduce the cost of energy use by 50%. the other 50% will instead be removed from your healthbar. gain 10% lifesteal while below 50% health.

    example 3: The Big Armed Marine. Your abilities cost 50% MORE energy. Your energy max is 50% of normal. Every second you do not use an attack or ability, build up fury. Fury increases your next damaging ability or attack by 50% per fury. max of 5 fury.

    example 4: The Grand Chef. When you eat food, your party members benefit from the food that was eaten. any negative effects will not effect party members. stat penalties from foods on The Grand Chef will be doubled.

    example 5: Combat Medic. Your cast time for Roseo Heal and Roseo gift are much faster, however your cooldown for these abilities is greatly increased. whenever you heal an ally, some of your energy is restored over 5 seconds.

    example 6: Awkward Destiny. You have a 33% chance to avoid damage. You take 33% increased damage.

    example 7: Sniper Islands Blessing. You have a 50% chance to not consume ammo when firing a slingshot or gun, when you do consume ammo deal an additional 10% damage, critical strikes deal an additional 10% MORE damage.

    example 8: the candle that burns twice as bright. Your abilities have 50% cooldown reduction, your abilities do 50% less damage.

    example 9: twice upon a wish. there is a small chance your abilities will not go on cooldown after use, critical strikes deal slightly less damage. ignore the stat requirements for weapons and abilities. (level requirements still enforced)

  11. 0 votes
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    New Class - Hunter

    I don't know how big of an update this would be, but we haven't seen anything new gameplay-wise. I do appreciate the small updates, the equipment and fixing bugs, but this is an idea that can add more flavor to the game. 
    Hunter class would be a summoner of sort, one that can fight alongside the monsters caught. (Mainly the animal NPCS - Boar/Bats/Coyotes/Leopards/Birds) I don't know how the stats would differ, or whether having different stats between the animals would matter; if this were to be implemented I'm leaving the numbers for you. The tamed monsters should be at a good balance between dmg and oppression. 
    With this class introduced two new weapons can be introduced;
    Bow/Arrow: Bow is pretty much a gun that requires arrows to shoot. This weapon can be approached many ways. Be able to have different kind of arrows like this;
    1: Light arrows: Very light arrows to use deal small amount of dmg but travels fast.
    2: Medium arrows: Arrows that balances between speed and dmg.
    3: Heavy arrows: Heavy arrows focus more on dmg and travel slowly.
    You can also apply poison to the arrows giving you DOT dmg. ( If this were to be added, another status effect would have to be added which would be poisoned.)
    This way Bow/Arrow aren't just a rip off of guns and are their own unique weapon, not just a reskin of guns. The dmg should be between swords/guns.
    The second weapon would be;

    Dagger: A small knife that prioritize speed over dmg. Can be dual wielded ( Making you attack twice at once. ) Dmg should be between fists and swords, not that high nor as low as fighters. Poison can also be applied, so dmg shouldn't be that high as u can attack twice and apply poison. There can be two types of daggers.

    Jagged Daggers: As the name implies, these daggers and crafted in a way that makes cutting flesh efficient, leaving behind deep cuts. (Applies bleed every 4 attacks or so)(Can't have poison applied.)
    Normal Daggers: Normal daggers that can have poison applied.
    These weapons can be dual wielded, so each hand can have one of the two types; effectively making you capable of poisoning and causing you target to bleed.
    (Again, I really don't know about the numbers, so yeah. )
    Weapons aside, monsters should have their own levels so that you can train them. Monsters should start at lvl 1 after successfully taming them. They will lose all their skills. Skills will be unlocked as they level. ( This would make the class more engaging, and would prevent ppl from hunting stronger monsters to deal more dmg.) Needless to say, monsters can be killed to prevent them from being used. One minute cool down should be applied on each monster after being killed, to prevent people from summoning them back immediately.
    Lvl 10 Skill - Tame: As the name suggest, you tame a monster. This can be either done through beating the monster and weakening them, then using the skill on them. Or it can be through fear, if you are higher level than the monster you get to have it, or the friendly way, you have to gather a specific set of items and offering them to the monster to gain it's affection, whichever route taken it shouldn't matter, the end goal is the same; using the monster. ( only 1 monster can be tamed. ) (Max monster level 25)
    Lvl 15 Skill - Monster summon: A skill were the hunter calls his trusty monster companion to help him throughout the battle.
    Lvl 20 Skill - Trap: You set down a trap, dealing a little bit of damage as well as stunning whoever stepped on the trap in place for a while.
    Lvl 25 Skill - Multiple Shot/Strike: You take a focused stance where you shoot/strike three consecutive shots/hits at whatever target you are aiming at.
    Lvl 30 Skill - Monster understanding: Allows you to tame and use another monster. (Making your max summon-able monsters 2)(Max monster level 50)
    Lvl 35 Skill - Hunter senses: Due to being an experienced hunter, and due to being in tune with nature; your senses are heightened in this state you utilize your hearing and agility to dodge any three incoming attacks.
    Lvl 40 Skill - Monster Command: You command your monsters to attack, as they hear your command they dash forward to complete whatever order given to them and gain your approval! (I'm thinking of having this skill with 2 effects? Like you can either set it to have the monsters attack dealing more dmg than usual, or a stun, where they go bite deal smool dmg and stun for a period of time.)
    That's about it. Should add more flavor to the game, and a whole different playstyle. Needless to say, this is an agility class. 
    I understand, there are many things to digest, and adding such class with such description would require a lot of work, and I also understand that there is many ways to deal dmg with such build. I'm sorry, I'm not good with numbers, so balancing the dmg is up to yall if this were to be implemented. The dmg output should be between you, your passives and the dmg done by the summoned monster. 

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    Weapons of the future.?.?

    Slashing swords/axes: think like Mihawk. thats a big ass sword. they could have a 2 forward and hit to both sides range. they could have a slow attack rate 3000ms.

    Spears: you could go several routes here, throwing spears/javelins. you could have a forward lunge attack. rate would probably be around 2500-3000ms

    cannon/blunder bust: short range wide ranged weapons. shoots 3x3 in front of you or something. needs time to reload 3000ms attack speeds.

    thanks for reading!

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    New Craftables.

    Grilled Bat Wing. Restores 35 health. 60 second cooldown. 8 bat wings, these dont look like chicken wings.

    Leopard Rinds. Restores 40 health. 60 second cooldown. 5 leopard skins, reminds you of pork rinds.

    Coyote Rinds. Restores 50 health. 60 second cooldown. 5 coyote skins, like pork rinds but bad.

    Rock Throwing Knife. 2 Brown rocks AND 2 gray rocks. makes 1 knife. 

    Hidden Blade. allows you to unleash a hidden blade and strike foes quickly. Requires basic sword, 50 coyote skins 50 feathers 50 leopard skins. 1000 berry.
    (like a pocket gun but short range, scale off agi like the blowgun/pocket gun)

    Medic Skill
    Link Spirit: allows you to connect to an ally and while you charge, restore their energy by your energy charge rate.

  14. 1 vote
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    Due to current playerbase.

    Hey Greedy here! still pretty new to the game most of the time there isnt much of a player base just food for thought but i think it would be a cool Rep System to have just like the pvp one already in but for mobs them selves example: Marines killing pirate mobs could give a small % of rep per certain amount id like to be able to climb the ranks and im sure others would also but in the current state with very few people around while the game is building its self up its not really possible. Regardless i think this game is a big sleeper and 1 day will bring in people steadly ill be here for the ride!

  15. 0 votes
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    You want some berry? 😀 IDEA

    Hello, are you enjoying pirate souls?
    did you know you can get free daily berry and soul energy by posting and sharing something nice about piratesouls.org on your Facebook/instagram.
    click here to get your free daily stuff
    step 1: like and follow pirate souls on Facebook/instagram
    step 2: share a post about piratesouls.org
    step 3: get your xBerry and 1 event ticket!

  16. 0 votes
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    Daily Missions

    Can we remove the randomness aspect of the missions? Have it be a quest-board that pops up when interacting with the NPC where I can choose the mission I want, or at the very least let me be able to abandon missions and not have them count towards my daily cap of 3 missions. I see no point in having an abandoned mission taking a slot off of these 3 missions.
    I get it, you are trying to punish ppl for failing, but it legit serves no purpose.

  17. 2 votes
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    More than just an Outfit (Gear Revamp)

    This suggestion is an addon to the Revamp of Rarity and Key System idea, I suggest that all gear except for key chest and item shops in the game have random stats added to them on pickup and that all mobs in the game have some form of gear added to their drop pool.
    The gear will have random stats on them using the same Prefix and Suffix systems we have in blacksmithing to add the stats which are only from the main stats of the game being Health, Energy, Willpower, Agility and Aim. The stat number will determine the rarity of the item that you have, for example.
    Common: 0-2 stats
    Uncommon: 3-4 stats
    Rare: 5-6 stats
    Epic: 7-8 stats
    Legendary: 9-10 stats
    The Prefix and Suffix system will have a max number of 5 stats each for this example.
    Gear name: Black Sleeveless Shirt
    Prefix for Health: Sturdy 
    Suffix for Health: of the Bull 
    So when a Black Sleeveless Shirt drops it gets a prefix, suffix or both and the stat bonus it give will determine the rarity, so lets say the stat bonus of the two is 3, the stat buff will be 6 Health and it will have its name changed form Black Sleeveless Shirt to "Sturdy Black Sleeveless Shirt of the Bull".
    Mob drops will not be the only way to obtain gear because not every player likes to farm mobs so their are lots of other ways players can get gear with random stats or set stats.
    1) Trading PvP reputation for gear boxes, a limited a number a week because players will kill their friends to farm it.
    2) Main or Side quest which can give players a starting set, or a Daily quest that give players an item that they can use to trade in for a gear box and the more they trade the better the rarity can be.
    3) Blacksmithing where players can craft gear and use a set item to raise the rarity of the gear they craft.
    4) Boss battles because bosses already drop boxes so opening them can give gear that have a minimum rarity of Rare for high level bosses so its a good way to get better gear.
    5) Trade Event tickets for gear boxes/or gear itself, the more you trade the better the chance to get a higher rarity so saving it would be meaningful.
    Every mob as I said will have gear drops but not all of them will go up to the best rarity, they will have a max limit to Common or Uncommon for low level mobs and Rare to higher levels one, so don't think that the boar mobs will drop a Legendary accessory and that you can farm them all day for that.
    In the same way not every item piece of gear slot will have HP on it so the hand gears can have Aim, Willpower or Agility but nothing else so a player can get a Legendary hand gear but with Aim and Agility on it which would will be as good as a Uncommon or Rare piece of gear to them.

    It should be noted that everything is an example and the numbers I used was to make it clear and are not what I think they should be but I do think that this will add a but more meaning to the gear that we wear and new players will want to farm mobs knowing that with everyone mob they fight they can get a new piece of gear. I will be fun to see that low level players will be looking like the mobs they farm over time because mobs drop their own gear.

  18. 0 votes
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    Rebalance for quest system.

    3 quests per day is rough, especially when "note ive been gone a long time" PVP quests are tied into dailies. "disregard if this has been changed"

    Change format, remove the berry content from non-pvp quests. increase daily quests timer reset to 12 hours from 24 hours.

    PVP format change, remove the exp from the pvp quests entirely, have no limit to pvp quests. reduce berry reward for the quest side. keep the current bounty/rep.


  19. 0 votes
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    Adding 2-factor authentification and....

    Enable a two-factor authentification through PS/Discord, allowing people to prove they are a unique individual.

    WHY? - Content promotion. With most smaller based MMORPG's in the 2000's++ we used invites as a way of promoting the game, the invite system has a reward system as part of the marketing. When invitee 1 reaches level 10/25/50, the Inviter, and Invitee get something special as a way of helping grow the game.
    Inviter gets growing rewards from invitee 5/10/15/20 ect.

    I personally think that faction based "drip" would do fine here, as well as some souls and berries. The level 50 could be enough diamonds to do a exp boost.

    WHY2 - you want the users to have unique players behind them, this prevents market flood of the give-away items. Nobody is trying to buy $40 phones and $35 phone cards to get $10 of give-away items.

    How does this grow our community? This will give reason for players to invite players. Word of mouth is the best advertising.

  20. 3 votes
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    More Than just a Title

    This idea is to give titles in the game more meaning to them and not just make them for show, as the game is right now when you get an achievement you also can show it off as a titles and achievements are gained mostly by doing something over and over again.
    I suggest that all titles have stats on them which can ranges from 1 more HP point to even 5% life steal when they are equipped and harder to get titles will have better stats than easier to get ones.
    Bat hunter (killing bats) Player does 5% more damage to bats
    Wood cutter (cutting trees) Player drop rate for wood goes up
    Out of the barrel (doing quest) Player gets 5% more exp and berries from quest
    Like it Hot (killing fire boss) Player takes 5% less damage from fire attacks
    That's just some examples on how it all can work and as you can see the titles also can fits what players get from them in some cases so when someone see a title like "Like it Hot" they know that player have a bit of resistance to fire attacks.
    (P.S) That was the first part to my idea which is the main point of this post, this part is just an addon and does not need to be added to the first part but I think that the will bring more reason for players that have titles to want to keep farming that said mob or boss.
    This part of my idea is to give titles ranks where players can upgrade their titles as they keep playing the game. As a player gets a title, they can keep doing what they did to  get the title to upgrade the rank of that title and it will show with an outline of the rarity color.
                                                                                         Example with a title
                                                                                       Like it Hot
    Common: Player takes 5% less damage from fire attacks (get 5o kills)
    Uncommon: Player takes 6% less damage from fire attacks and does 1% more damage to fire users (get 15o kills)
    Rare: Player takes 7% less damage from fire attacks and does 2% more damage to fire users (get 3oo kills)
    Epic: Player takes 8% less damage from fire attacks and does 3% more damage to fire users (get 600 kills)
    Legendary: Player takes 10% less damage from fire attacks and does 5% more damage to fire users (get 1ooo kills)
    This part is to add uniqueness to not only player builds but also to titles because a player with a legendary title will have a bigger fear impact than one with a common title showing that one is a master at what they do apart from one that is a jack of all traits and just using it for that one fight.
    This idea in a whole is to add uniqueness to players build,  give max players reason to farm all types of mobs/bosses no matter what's the mob/boss level, Put a fear factor to titles and add more of an endgame to players that feel there is nothing left to do in the game.

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    There should be a compass system ( similar to God of War) (2018) to lead the player to their quests in chronological order and so they can remember where to go if lost (zoro syndrome)

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    Chest issue

    Make the chests have a guaranteed drop of something, ANYTHING like 20-60 berries. Adding that will not inflate the market because you can only kill a boss once every half hour and their isn't that many bosses, if people want to grind berries their are much more sustainable ways. People are getting upset with a chest dropping and getting nothing at all. Or just remove the chests altogether because all the chests are doing is add a false hope and not that many people will want to pay for a chest that probably doesn't have anything.