75 ideas
2 votesPlanned
Detailed Wanted Posters
I thought of a tiny flavour idea to spice things up in the overworld, and I'm pretty sure it would ensure further immersion. Now, I realize there's a long list of planned features and content on the backlog already, but hear me out;
Put wanted posters of particularly high-bounty player characters on a couple walls in the cities and villages of the game. That way, newer people can stumble upon them and 'shoot for them' or create long term goals, and older characters can get to see their impact in the game in a minor but important way. It would also be very good for marine players, giving them pointers for who's a high value target and who's been making waves at sea- no pun intended.
Thank you.
1 vote
Buff Santo/ Change Kinohono
Make Santo Swords 25% Crit Chance same Base Damage
Make Kinohono 20% Crit + 10% Crit Damage
It's pretty much just Kinohono everywhere , and that is because people see higher Crit %
Let's see what happens with this :^)
3 votesPlanned
Arena System , For Competitive PvP to spice things up (SOLO PVP)
The Arena System that I have in mind is more or less so the Traditional Arena System that you are thinking about
It's a simple as , Queue Up > Win > Gain Points in Leaderboard > Get Rewarded for your Rank at the end of a Split
Arena systems have been around in every other MMO , so we are all familiar with this concept ... and so it saves me time to explain what it would be
so w/o further ado
The System for Arena Queue's would be simple af , Third Island or in other Higher Lvl Islands in future updates
You can always Queue Up anytime NO ELO system... Requirements to Queue Up is being Lvl 50 + Queue Cooldown of 5 Minutes ( For the Battle Injuries waiting time )
You Win that's 10 Points added your Ranking Score for Arenas, Losing of course Lowers it by 5 Points
Tracking Leaderboards would prolly be the biggest Coding/Web Design Hurdle
The Rewards System would be quite Simple as well... A Duration of an Arena Leaderboards would only last 2 Weeks at Most
More Wins = Higher Rank = MORE Rewards
Top 10 Gets MORE OVERALL Rewards... Getting increasingly better as you get to the top, (Only top 10 because Player Counts are at an all time Low)
The actual Rewards would Keys of Varying Rarity + Soul Essences for Everyone that has a Participated
Baseline Rewards for Arena Rankings would be starting from Rank 101+ (LOWERED IF PLAYER COUNT DOESN'T MATCH)
• 1 Common Key •
• 10 Soul Essences •
• 1 Arena Token •
Ranks 1-100 gets increasing rewards
I.E Rank 1 to 10 / Rank 11 to 25 / Rank 25 to 50 / Rank 50 to 100
Arena Tokens! they are gained by Participating in the Arena... The higher your Rank is the More Tokens you Receive at the end of an Arena Split
They could be used to buy a Variety of Items like Keys , Soul Essences ,
Drip & Many More... Like Titles for extra bragging rights...Top 10 in leaderboards Unlocks Titles they can Buy for the time being.
But yes with all Systems there are always Obvious FLAWS as There is No Perfect System
Boosting will become Prevalent , and If proven that the specified player is indeed Boosting... a Ban Hammer will suffice xD or Force Reset the Character after 48 hours of the player not Appealing against the Decision made.
Mods would be required for Monitoring Players in Queue's...
But that is the Idea of possible Arena System that Fits Pirate Souls IMO 😄
1 vote
Updated Re Post in Request of Shenmue ( Marine Ford War )
Rework the Faction War System with a little bit more Ground to cover
Faction War happens Every 2 Hours, Announcement is Made at X:50 (10 minutes to give time for people to come) War Starts in X:00
Everyone rushes to go to 3rd Island cuz of the Announcement for the Battlefield
Its a Base Defense while you trying to kill theirs you protect your flag from their Assault
They apply to their respective NPC’s... It should be a Randomized Selection
It's randomized because It's to limit how many Participants can Join so to create a somewhat EVEN playing ground
I.E like an 8v8 instead of 8 v 4 in which of course the 4 players has a higher chance of losing.
But in actuality it would more or less so should be 12 Players randomly chosen for each Faction as to create a 12 v 12 if possible
another way to implement this Evening out of Players ,would be to creating multiple different maps for battle to take place
maybe like Marine Ford 1 - 5 , 8 Players for each Factions per Map (2 Parties)
A Point System would be in place like a Best of 5 if Multiple Maps are used (UP TO 5)
But lets say 2 maps are being used no faction can win with a Point system like that so if Ever the war gets Tied 1-1 with 2 map
The destroyed flags gets Respawned and the first Faction to hit 2 wins will win
The Rewards System,
Would Strive to create Fairness to Both sides albeit a Win or a Loss
To the faction that wins •1 Hour of 1.5x Exp boost• , I know what you're thinking with this "Why would players buy World Blessing now?" … Make the World Blessing STACK with this Exp Boost from Faction War
Winning Faction members in the War gets •3 Tokens• , Tokens SHOULD be Tradeable as it should be a Variable to the Player Economy
Losing Faction members in the War gets •1 Token• + •1 Hour Exp Boost• only for losing faction members that “GOT PICKED”.
The Tokens would be then used for stuff like Buying Items from a Battlefield Vendor
Keys ~ Soul Essences and Many more like Drip & Weapons maybe even Techniques that you can only buy with Tokens.
this is a much healthier system already that doesn’t force Everyone to Boss Grind for Keys + it creates a sense of progression even if you are on the Losing Side
4 votesPlanned
Little things make a difference
1. Untarget mobs once dead ( when trying to farm fast my character is still targeting dead mob unless i manually target new mob
2. Make hits more attractive and easier to read. When crit hits, my hit, mob hits, its hard to see numbers
3. Make bank accessible through multiple characters instead of having two computers to transfer items
4. Make mobs health visible by numbers instead of a red health bar. makes it so we know exactly how much to hit to kill
5. shorten timers for trade\party. In my opinion its too long and it gets to a point one person is too buggy to do action so the other has to do it.
6. MOST IMPORTANT: New players who are 10-15 levels underneath someone should have a limit to how many times they can be killed. lets say 5 times and 1hr cool down. I see low levels quitting because they don't have a chance to grind levels or some die during quest losing their quest item.
7. Crucial! make more use cases for berries. As it stands i see players buying in game items for real money to get ahead while people are trying to farm and save berries in the hopes of buying such items; but the issue is these sellers have no use for berries and prefer diamonds or paypal money.
3 votesPlanned
Event battle royale!
We have a heavy PVP game here, we need some royale events!
no teams, last man standing award, most damage award, most kills award, least damage taken award, runner up.
thanks again!
3 votesPlanned
So quite a few players I have met want to see more hairstyles, Afro, top knot, pony tail, too tail, ect.
facial hair would be cool!
Thanks as always!
4 votesIn Progress
New Player Suggestion, Final Idea Post
Hi, it's been 3 days since I've started the game with 60.8 hours at the time of writing this Suggestion.
As a new player I've slowly realized the Progression Pattern of the game from start... it's a Stagnant Linear Progression
Stagnant being there's really nothing else for us to do in the game other than Hit Mobs to level up/ Farm enough gold for the next Weapon in the shop/ Get Lucky enough to drop Keys from Bosses that are Camped on Rotations by Higher Level Players
But yes... I've grinded the game for 60 hours in 3 days, Just to give an accurate assessment of what Improvements could be made.
As I've relentlessly taken down 1000+ Eagles already , it has dawned on me and my friend that there's really nothing much to do in the game
of course there's PvP/Bosses but like I've stated above... Bosses are a luxury if you can even Farm them as most of the time it's going to be Killed on rotations by Other Higher level players that has nothing better to do because they're either Max Level/ High Enough Level or Have most of the Items in the game already,
And farming the Bosses for Key/Fruit Drops is their only available content...
This creates an Environment in which New Players are then Levelling for hours... Get's ultimately bored of doing the same thing, So hey they try to do some bosses here and there but they cant because the bosses are not Up, so those Players either go back to Hitting the same mobs to grind levels... or Quit the game
It's a pretty toxic Cycle as it is...
Anyways, It's time for Suggestions 😄
Item Farming is Undoubtedly one of the most Fun things you can do in an MMO,
and from the Comments of Veteran Players they seem to care a lot about the statement "Pirate Souls, A game in which Looking Cool does not make you Lose"
I Like the Idea a lot of the Items all being Cosmetics... as it saves Dev Time from having to Balance certain stuff,
But there are OTHER ways of achieving the same effect of "Looking Cool" while making most Players Happy about the game
the Idea I'm proposing is , to add an Option to make Items (Hideable/Worn as Cosmetic) over Items.
But it doesn't make any sense as it is w just that Flat Idea...
To see the Bigger Picture... Items would need to have Stats such as,
Armor/ Headgear having HP/MP/DEF
Rings ,Necklaces and Cloaks for Misc Stats like CRT/LS/CDR
Boots for some Movespeed etc
This is to create a more Dynamic environment in which all Players get to enjoy having more Items to farm for and not only Cosmetics
But you might ask... as to why you would want to do this?, It's because for the last 3 days I've been grinding this game... It made me question as to why is Levelling the Only sort of Stats Progression we have... sure getting a Weapon Upgrade is good but that's the ONLY item slot we really need to care about
It's off putting and weird, not having much more to do in term of Items.
In my friend's words... "I refuse to call this as Content, Hitting the same damn birds for hours", "It's a very lazy way of creating content"
It sums up about the entire New Player experience in the game...
It's kinda sad to see that when you do give out rational ideas in the Discord , Veterans are always there Gatekeep New Players from Expressing ideas with "Maybe this Game ain't for you" , We're all here to give out Suggestions that we think that will Help the game and not make it worse 😄 please if you're in this Gatekeeping mindset of "there's nothing wrong w the game" then fk off 😄
I will check up on the game in a few Months time, If the player base dwindles all the way down to the last 5 veterans saying "This game ain't for you" , "Get good" then yea... a Post Mortem post would be created in AGD
BUT HEY , NinOnline will drop in September since it's w the same Publisher you guys will also get Clicks!... don't mess up at that time pls.
a quick note on why I'm creating a Lengthy post
I've Played Intersect Games since Leafling... Got 1k+ hours on it
Nightmare Dropped last year ... got 450+ hours on it,
been anticipating Pirate Souls/NinOnline for a while now, I've know about the game from Cheshire/Indie Patron
so please take our suggestions and put it into play 😄 , this game is fun when it comes to PvP that's for damn sure
3 votesPlanned
There is a lackluster list of drops available in game, they should be expanded on with some rarity tiers.
Meat is cool, but what cuts of meat? would add variety to the cook by expanding his options, and healing parameters of each cut.
Fur's are cool, but all we can do is sell them. Leopard Bandana? Coyote Bandana?
Scales are cool, how about some lizard boots and pants.
common key drops from monsters, not just bosses.
maybe a trader NPC to trade furs,feathers,scales to for notesheets?
2 votesPlanned
As game time moves on berry stocks plummit in value.
We could use some overpriced gear in marinefort, some gambling options, some new ammo and knife options.
Overall there are players when you run through the roster that are sitting on more than 10k berry.
there is nothing to do in the end of the game with berry, causing the rarest items to be sold for diamonds and or steam gift cards, and or real money.
Idea 1: Slot machines; these could have a super low rate to drop even a fruit "7-7-7", 1000 berry per pull. other items could appear on "Bar" such as the treasure chest items, every other rewards could be SE/Berry, or instead of rare items the new mysterious "soul power" could potentially be gained from the slot machine.
Idea 2: New ammo, Faster bullets with +damage +attack rate. could cost even 5 berry per bullet crafting. use both stones. could use metal bullets themselves to craft. ect. something for players to put money into.
Idea 3: Fruit customizations, this could open the door up to awakening fruits, another dialogue option with litorio, where the fruits effect on the player could change, such as modifying damage formulas or defense formulas. for example the rubber fruit could cause Agility to formulate into the defence formula with health and energy, or replace health in the defense formula with agility, this will allow tankier low life builds in the future.
Idea 4: Ability to contract kills on peace mode players, 10,000 berry per target contract. lost on death. tradable.
This will also open up more player interaction, pvp, hostilities, party play for protections.
Idea 5: Ability to craft better knives, using rocks and throwing knives and advanced throwing knives to gain "assassin knives'
Idea 6: non stat related attack items; poison vials, explosives, ect ect.
Idea 7: Stat related growth by berry. 10,000 for 1 stat and then it cumulates at a 1.1 ratio. 11,000 then 12500 ect.
Goal: make berry valuable in game, to slow black market trading, to keep interest in end game grinding, player retention.
Con: may cause a slightly stronger learning curve for players, but as the community grows us players can handle teaching new players.
Thank you for reading, I know this was a long one, my journey to level 50 is nearing complete now, I look forward to events and new players.
4 votes
Marines vs Pirate Battlefield (Marine Ford War kinda)
The Idea is to Have a War for both factions Every 2 IRL Hours, in which when the Announcement is made Players are to Sign Up to their respective NPC's in their Bases
Randomly choosing players if the Amount Exceed the Required amount of players more into the nitty gritty of the system down below
The war would be segmented in multiple Maps, each to be Separated by Level Brackets of (20 - 29) , (30 - 39) , (40 - 50)
Making it so that when Marine Ford 1 (20 - 29), Loses to the side of Pirates ... the Overall score would then be 1 - 0 , still having a chance in winning for Marines if they win
Marine Ford 2 and 3 to the score 1 - 2
I think the best amount of Players in this would be 8v8's in the respective maps just to keep it small scaled, as you guys can always increase numbers when the Player Count rises
The Rewards of winning this Event would be a FACTION ONLY XP/LUK boost for an HOUR and for the Participants that was in the Winning Side gets a Special Currency used for the Shops that this System will come along with.
This generally came from the game I've spent hundreds of hours of which is The World of Magic, so ye it's a proven system that works
2 votes
The lvl 50 boss must take the party and option for the crew too
With the population as it is, locking the lvl 50 boss to only a crew and not even a 4 man party option its just simply killing the game for a lot of ppl that dont want to crew together but could share a boss every now and then...
so suggestion resumes to:
Let ppl that are in a party no matter the crew get inside the lvl 50 boss...
for the good of the game and the sake of the enjoyment while playing with friends you know during the game and not your premades one
1 vote
Black Market
I use to code for a LP-c++ MuD...
one area we had was called Rogues Island, it had a black market that would sell really rare items, equivalent to a fruit or kino or golden gun. But there was always a coin toss that the purchased item was a worthless fake.
seemed like something similar could fit in here!
thanks as always!
2 votes
1 vote
we have classes, professions, fruits.
another layer of some subskills... very minor.
Gatherer- picks up random extras for the cook class.
Chef - has a chance to duplicate cooked foods.
Foody - gains a little extra (10%) buff/healing/energy from foods.
Weapon Master- has a(0.5%) chance to find notesheets at random. Found weapons have a chance to be enchanted.
Legendary Smith - Has a low chance to not remove notesheets on use, has a higher chance to produce a 2nd enchantment.
True Marine - Has a increase to crit, gets slightly more stats from weapons.
Battle Doctor - Heal and Revive cooldown reduced slightly.
Wound Closer - Heal and Revive have a higher threshhold of healing.
Self-Medicated - Can revive self at a much higher cooldown.
just food for thought, Thanks for reading!
5 votes
Profession progression!
I feel like it would be a lot of fun if the professions had some sort of leveling system to them. So, for example, a brand new chef shouldn't be able to cook the same meals as someone who's been one for a while.
Suggestion 1: Lock higher tiered meals behind a level. "To cook Cactus Juice you need to be level 10".
Level 1 Chef can cook meat, and you gain XP from cooking it until you hit level 10. From that point on, you need to cook higher level meals to progress ETC ETC.
Suggestion 2: Give chef's a low chance to create "Rare" meals. For example, if I'm cooking 100 meats, I could end up with 97 cooked steaks + 3 rare cooked steaks, which would heal for a bit more HP.
Different crafter upgrades like Black / Cursed could also be locked behind a certain crafter level.
Medic could have something like Nin Online's "Jutsu leveling system" for their heals. Healing X amount of people would upgrade their heal in some way. Maybe less energy cost? More healing? An extra tick of healing? Longer reach on the healing? Or maybe even give them an option. Once they hit like 500 uses on their heal, they have an option to choose an upgrade for the skill. Like choosing one of these things. Maybe turning the skill into an AoE? Longer reach? Being able to cast it while running but for a lower amount of HP?
Just some ideas to making the profession system more fun!
3 votes
Mob spread
Currently Pirate fighters and swordsman are in 3 areas.
Marines are currently in 1 areas.
Marines are part of daily quest as such are leopards and bats (bats being a lesser issue) The marines could have some spread specifically to other locations, it would fit thematically as they are the government police force.
Lonely road is pretty lonely, could ship some boars and maybe a few leopards, eventually they could aggro boars.
Bats could be added into the cave "road to conflict" "interesting" "where are you going" maps.
Pirates could be added near the ports, marines near the ports, aggro with eachother eventually?
Marines could be added to the East village, they show as part of a questline but there is only 1 and he is a NPC "chat" no conflict available.
More mob spread could help with the current state of the game.
1 voteDuplicate
Remove Global Chat
As the title say, I think that they should remove the global chat from the game as it breaks immersion and most of it is just toxic chat,
I know some players use it to trade or ask questions but that in itself breaks immersion also make players meet other players to get items or ask questions and we have a trade chat on discord for a reason.
3 votesPlanned
Toggle Off Global Chat
Allow players to turn off global chat without turning off other areas.
3 votes
Show Achievement Progress
This would only show if the achievement has been started, and otherwise would not show the achievement. This helps keep secret achievements mostly secret!
2 votesPlanned
Range Of Skills
Swordsman skills have the ability to dive toward another player. They seem to be a longer range than the Fighter skills.
I think it would be nice to balance how much range these skills have, as this is directly related to how effective they are in PvP.
I also notice that it can cause a problem in PvE, where you miss completely on your skill and it goes on cooldown even though you were not in range to use it.
If anything, not putting a skill on cooldown when you are out of range would be another nice resolution for this.
Of course, these suggestions can be taken in either PvP, PvE, or both contexts. Up to the developers!
4 votesPlanned
Improved Targeting - PVE Only Suggestion
Here are a few suggestions for improved targeting while fighting anything except other players:
Toggle-able option to turn off targeting of dead enemies. Toggle-able option to turn on auto target of next closest enemy. If an enemy is out of reach of a skill, auto-aim should target the closest enemy instead. Each of these is separate, please comment on them below as this will be more meaningful than a single up or down vote. 🙂
4 votesPlanned
Cosmetic Emotes
The ability to get a special set of "skills" that are just cosmetic emotes. Simple ways to communicate with other players without actually chatting.
Optional Implementation Details
Could be located in the skills panel, or in their own separate panel, such as a dock on the bottom of the chat box with icons you can hover for a tooltip and click for the animation to trigger.
Might be worth investigating whether they can be used while in combat, I would say no. This is because some of combat is directly influenced by seeing an animation so you can dodge it. So perhaps a shared global/emote cooldown would avoid that problem.
Investigate targeted emotes vs. just facing the direction your character already is.
Wave - Wave arm hello
Nod - Nod head yes
Shake - Shake head no
Flex - Flex biceps
Point - Point in the direction you are facing
Scratch - Scratch head with hand
10 votesPlanned
Mass pvp/active daily content to keep the game alive
So we're about a week in the launch and some players have hit 50 and have fallen into killing newer players(lowbies) or have started mass killing the bosses everyday for fruits and other drops. which gets old really fast i've heard allot of complainning lately and started brainstorming ideas for the better of Pirate Souls.
Mass Fruit Spawn Idea (WORLD EVENT)
In the future when more fruits come in some fruits should be rarer than others, event ticket fruits and fruits u find in the world.
The idea
So every hour a random soul will have a chance to spawn (depending on the rates) in the world on any map (including newer maps that's gonna be added) the world will announce something like [THE SOUL OF THE LIGHTNING GOD HAS SPAWN ON "X" ISLAND FIGHT TO TAKE CONTROL OVER IT AND EARN A SOULFRUIT/EVENT TICKET!]
how it will work
The soul will randomly spawn anywhere on the map (not on objects or anything) but in grinding spots, random danger zones ETC, so first you kill the "soul of what ever fruit that spawns [a world boss] then you defend the soul of the boss until it manifest into an actual soul fruit, there's a chance it will fail! so its not guaranteed! failing will happen when, 1.The soul is taking too much damage so its destroyed (so be careful)note: only basic attacks can damage the fruit, since it is a soul fruit itself it cannot sustain other soul fruit techniques damage cause it is immune. (This is active only in manifestation period not the boss itself.) 2."there should be a circle or a box indicating the zone of the soul manifestation area "if someone is standing near the soul, a bar will go up showing progress kind of like king of the hill, the bar is to indicate when it is done and about to manifest into a soul fruit, if an enemy enters the zone of the soul the bar will become static, if the enemy kills you while near the soul your bar is diminished[IF ALL YOUR ALLIES ARE ALSO DEAD] and they will begin a new progress bar showing how long they have until they get the soul is manifested (players have 1 hour to complete the bar before it instantly fails to manifest and a new timer starts for another soul to spawn anywhere in the world(anyone not in your crew/fleet counts as an enemy)
This event complements the following
Introduce new rare fruits!
1.Encourages open world PVP for a nice reward! 1 of the rare exclusive fruits/cosmetics! and 1 event coupon to everyone that participated (to buy future event shop soul fruits/cosmetics to keep everyone happy!
2.Keeps the world active 24/hours a day! ( if more than 2 rare fruits are manifested in a day the timer will stop rolling and start spawning soul bosses the next day. "it should be hard to manifest one hence why its PVP/PVE oriented." Note: If a boss is left untouched for 30 minutes it will self destruct and a new timer will begin to spawn another random soul. / But why 2 fruits?! - So it keeps these fruits in high demand and keep players fighting over them in the open world. goal- Keep them rare for as long as possible until new fruits are released!
3.Adds raid boss kind of mechanics to help players formulate strategies on how to kill the boss fast enough, How to defended the manifesting fruit and succeed in picking it up. (the boss should have mechanics)
4. Competitive group content X THIS IS NOT A SOLO GAME group content should be encouraged!
5. A healthy loop of automated content! beside automated events.
~ Mirage
-3 votes
Boss Instance Lock To Player
Add a cooldown to the player if they have recently killed an instanced boss, instead of allowing the same players to hop between instances and kill the boss multiple times.