1. 5 votes
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    Profession progression!

    I feel like it would be a lot of fun if the professions had some sort of leveling system to them. So, for example, a brand new chef shouldn't be able to cook the same meals as someone who's been one for a while.

    Suggestion 1: Lock higher tiered meals behind a level. "To cook Cactus Juice you need to be level 10".
    Level 1 Chef can cook meat, and you gain XP from cooking it until you hit level 10. From that point on, you need to cook higher level meals to progress ETC ETC.

    Suggestion 2: Give chef's a low chance to create "Rare" meals. For example, if I'm cooking 100 meats, I could end up with 97 cooked steaks + 3 rare cooked steaks, which would heal for a bit more HP.

    Different crafter upgrades like Black / Cursed could also be locked behind a certain crafter level.

    Medic could have something like Nin Online's "Jutsu leveling system" for their heals. Healing X amount of people would upgrade their heal in some way. Maybe less energy cost? More healing? An extra tick of healing? Longer reach on the healing? Or maybe even give them an option. Once they hit like 500 uses on their heal, they have an option to choose an upgrade for the skill. Like choosing one of these things. Maybe turning the skill into an AoE? Longer reach? Being able to cast it while running but for a lower amount of HP?

    Just some ideas to making the profession system more fun!

  2. 5 votes
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    Add a appearance for your char when you have the BI Debuff. (Like Nin)

  3. 5 votes
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    I think you could add races in this game like in the original one piece, as fishmans / Giants things like that, i think all should have a buff, like fishman has more damage with fists (example), Giants have more max hp, i think it could be a good idea so, for this, the races should be RNG, like a 10% of spawning as a giant, and just make the character look bigger, and for this not being a pay to win or that being human is trash, you could add to humans things that the other races dont have, so it could be "balanced".

  4. 5 votes
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    content ideas

    I have several ideas that can make the game more fun and improve the gameplay to get more involved in the One Piece world:
        1. The idea would be to implement the navigation of individual ships to go from one island to another, the 2 things they prioritize in One Piece is the adventure sailing the seas and this would improve the game in many ways. Ships with which you can do naval battles.
    I mean that your ship, which could be like Ace's or Mihawk's, have a useful life of, for example, 1300 hp and a general damage that does not follow a pattern according to the stats, if not, for example, 98 damage, the bullets would have to be manufactured that it would be the only thing that would vary the damage from your ship. If the ship is destroyed in the sea you end up dead and the ship destroyed. What you would already have 2 ways: repair it or buy another.
    As seen here, a ship construction/repair specialty could be included, which would give the game much more play in the future.

       2. It would be cool to make an Arc that helps to get certain lvls easier, especially from lvl 40 - 50. The truth is that it is hard to be in coyotes from lvl 20/25 to 50. Adding Variations of mobs or the arc would not be bad!
    I suggest an Arc or put mobs that help the lvl on the fortress map it seems a pretty empty map right now and it would make people go to that map more.
        3. I propose a new island for the theme of the ships that could be very good, the Water 7 island from the anime one Piece and there could be new mobs/Arc, stronger ships, etc...

         4. This is rather an improvement for those of animal fruit when we become a hybrid we remain completely naked, the truth is that the character does not look so good like this, I suggest that at least from the waist down the body it stays on.


  5. 4 votes

    Combat Map Lock

    When in combat you should be map locked for 10 seconds or 15 seconds after taking or dishing out damage.

    The current state of pvp encourages cheese mechanics attacking someone when they are low from a mob then running away spamming map switch or using flicker pads/interacting with things in game to teleport to a different map without a combat timer.

    So, I suggest a combat timer as i said above in my top message.

  6. 4 votes
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    Indicator for interactions

    It would be great to know when you can interact with something. Some ideas for this include:
    1. A bounding box when you hover your mouse
    2. A change in cursor to show you can click the npc/enemy/object
    3. Name of the object displaying when hovered.
    Hope this can be implemented!

  7. 4 votes
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    Better Resolution Support

    There is no selectable resolutions past 1080p, as I play on 1440p - 2560x1440 having to down res to 1080p is kind of a bummer. Would be nice to see more resolutions.

  8. 4 votes
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    RANGER - Metal Bullet price/craft

    I am a "sniper" and I am a bit frustrated to see the price of the Metal Rounds.
    After the lvl 15, the next weapon is a GUN and so need to fire the Metal Round.
    Why not make the recipe for crafting them, open to everyone instead of locking it behind a specific job ?
    Replace the Ammo recipe by Wetstone, boosting the damage of weapons for the Blacksmith or something like this if you want to keep and interest for the job.
    Actually, this Metal ammo problem just stack with one more problem to the jobs and classes balance.
    And another thing : Techniques don't take your stuff damages in count

  9. 4 votes

    Daily Quest Rework/Timer.

    The way daily quests work is that it happens 24 hours after your first quest... I personally think switching this over to a certain time would be better or alternatively if thats not something you agree with, I would appreciate some kind of timer that tells you when you can take quests again. For an example a System message that states "your daily quests will reset in # hours and ## minutes". 

  10. 4 votes
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    Target System

    I have had this problem where i am using my target key while standing right next to a mob and it does not target that mob, i have to cycle through multiple other mobs just to target the mob that is closest to me even after pressing escape to reset the target.

  11. 4 votes
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    Pirate Souls: Impression Updates

    After leveling a character to near max and playing two of the three classes I had some ideas to improve gameplay experience and tune some of the systems.
    Revamp professions system: Do not make professions a onetime selection instead make them three unique paths which can be trained and require resource and time investment to craft or heal well. This will still encourage teamwork because you can't invest in all three well at once therefore requiring your crew to split roles. However, it will create more end game content to grind for and prevent needless balancing of the professions (Locking content to a specific profession).
    Reputation Gain Level Req: Similar to the update which prevents power leveling there should be a required level for players to gain fame. Currently end game is just running around murdering every lowbee in sight so you can get a coat. The early experience with end game players now around 3 days in will be bad enough, don't incentivize mass murdering them. Include additional daily/weekly actives to grind rep as well.
    Sailing: Don't waste development time on boat battles, it will likely not work well. Making sailing an Oregon trail style random event driven experience that takes your and a limited number of crew from island to island. The system should include matchmaking with other sailing crews as a random event, as well as storms that take you to somewhere you didnt intend, NPC raiders, etc. 

  12. 4 votes
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    Marine faction needs this as soon as possible.

    This will be a quick suggestion, there is not much to say. 
    Marines needs a way to deal with Pirates who create Marine alts, to use them for a free rev since the Marines can't attack other Marines. We need higher ranked marines, or a justice branch being able to send any perpetrator on jail, or being able to exile them from the Marines. These are just examples, but there must be something done, some friends of mine had already an awful experience with this. 

  13. 4 votes
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    Mass Suggestion Part 3

    Content/Features End Game Boss (Level 50)
    I'd do this change because not everyone has a big crew or has crew members that play in their time zone all the time. Thus, being you should be able to do the boss with a party of 3-4 members. Once more bosses are added I would remove the ability to let party members do it on the current level 50 boss and apply it to another end game boss once added. Monsters/Bosses
    Monster and some of the boss movement speeds need to be adjusted to be faster.
    Currently monsters are so slow that they are easy to kite when no kind of challenge.
    End result is that they are given dashes and flickers but instead of giving each monster and boss the same type of mechanics; increase the movement speed of some of them or even let them use a buff that increases their movement speed slightly. Pve players live for a challenge in the Pve aspect and thus this will bring about one. Maps
    We need an actual map switch timer. People constantly spam map switch going back and forth between the same 2 maps. Why not add a 1-5 second map switch timer to slow down some of the spam switching? Marine Base as a safe zone which is there for a reason, but Pirates do not have 1. Make Marine Safe zone 1 of the tents and Make 1 of Pirate tents a safe zone. Relatively it should be the area where you spawn at. Projectiles
    Projectiles need to pass through party members, crew members, alliance members when fired unless both parties have pvp on. Projectiles constantly hitting your teammates and not passing through them to hit the enemy makes team fights harder for ranged classes as the skills stop short due to hitting their teammates. Miscellaneous
    Raise the cooldown to use the Dash Ability. It is currently 6 and is too free of a skill to use and has to big an impact on PVP. Reduce how heavy run speed is affected by the Agility stat


    Soul Fruit/Weapon Class Changes Pt. 2

    Fire I recommend slightly nerfing the damage of the flamethrower but in return lower the mana cost and/or increase the tick rate. It should tick twice per 1300 MS Window (1.3 second) Flamethrower needs to turn into a skill that when used it last for "x" number of seconds instead of just being able to spam it as long as you got energy with no cooldown. Flame Bullets need to have a heavy damage reduction due to being able to be spammed for a VERY low energy cost. Currently can-do high damage with barely any cooldown or MP cost.

    Ice Give Ice a Passive Ability called Permafrost: This skill will apply a 2 second slow if you successfully land "X" amount of ice skills in rapid succession. "X" amount i will leave to the dev(s) to figure out the right amount. Make Ice Spikes effect a larger area/icon bigger Ice Trap - when you roll/dodge on top of an Ice Trap it shouldn't continue to work on you, but the trap should still get placed to hurt someone else. Currently even if you dodge on top of it, you can still get stunned if you remain on top of it. So, if people do stuff like Devil Slash + Ice Trap there is no avoiding the Ice trap even if you time the dodge/roll. Make Ice Sword duration to 45>60s

    Light Make Light sword bonus damage last 3 seconds longer making it 10 seconds instead of 7. When Light sword ends allow it to auto re-equip the last weapon you had equipped if it's still in your inventory. Star Rays should be run cast but self-stun.

    Fighter Lower the duration of Blazing leg from 60>45s to be similar to Ice Sword/Light Sword/Swordsmen Resolution Bone Breaker currently is a Targeted within 3 tile stuns. Meaning if the person is within 3 tiles, they can hit them, and it stuns them for 1.25 seconds. This stun should be removed, and the mana cost should be lowered from 30>20.

    Swordsmen Devil Slash's projectile icon needs to be made more visible. It also needs to give a 0.4/0.5 second cast time. Currently there is no way to counter/predict this skill is coming so it is hard to defend against it. It also stuns for 1 full second which is more than enough of a reason to give it a cast time.
    Lower Air Cutter Range to 8>6 Since Swordsmen Resolution boost all stats now it should get less time to land its bonus damage from 12>8 Increase the duration Swordsmen Resolution last to 45>60s to be equivalent to Fighter's Blazing Leg

    Leopard Upon Transforming Leopard Fruit users should strike fear into the opponents around them within 3 tiles all around them causing silence for 2 seconds.

    When Reindeer uses the level 10 ability, they should be able to keep it up as long as they want. It should drain 3 energy every 0.5 seconds 

    Sniper Sniper Cloak MP Cost needs to be raised from 15>18. Mandrake stun needs to be lowered back down to 0.5 simply because they have received a new skill that stuns.
    It needs to be lowered because currently if you land all 3 mandrakes on 1 opponent in close range it stuns the person for 3 seconds. if you lower it to 0.5 it will stun a total of 1.5 seconds.


  14. 4 votes
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    Cosmetic Emotes

    The ability to get a special set of "skills" that are just cosmetic emotes. Simple ways to communicate with other players without actually chatting.
    Optional Implementation Details
    Could be located in the skills panel, or in their own separate panel, such as a dock on the bottom of the chat box with icons you can hover for a tooltip and click for the animation to trigger.
    Might be worth investigating whether they can be used while in combat, I would say no. This is because some of combat is directly influenced by seeing an animation so you can dodge it. So perhaps a shared global/emote cooldown would avoid that problem.
    Investigate targeted emotes vs. just facing the direction your character already is.
    Wave - Wave arm hello
    Nod - Nod head yes
    Shake - Shake head no
    Flex - Flex biceps
    Point - Point in the direction you are facing
    Scratch - Scratch head with hand

  15. 4 votes
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    Improved Targeting - PVE Only Suggestion

    Here are a few suggestions for improved targeting while fighting anything except other players:
    Toggle-able option to turn off targeting of dead enemies. Toggle-able option to turn on auto target of next closest enemy. If an enemy is out of reach of a skill, auto-aim should target the closest enemy instead. Each of these is separate, please comment on them below as this will be more meaningful than a single up or down vote. 🙂

  16. 4 votes
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    Would love to be able to move menus around including the chat box, collapse it, hotkey it, change color and opacity.
    thanks for reading!

  17. 4 votes
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    Daily Login Rewards

    In a few games players can get login rewards, the one that i found the most interesting was from the game Warframe. It didnt require sequential login but rather total login days.
    It could be simple like some berries or some cooked meat or stew. big days like 30 60 90 could have something like some soul essence or a key or fruit.
    Thanks for reading!

  18. 4 votes
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    Loot window location should be remembered after dragging it.

    I feel like the default position of the loot window is not ideal. I have to move it manually each time I log in, and place it where it doesn't pop up in my face.

    I feel like it would be nice if the game remembered where you put it and had it there even after a relog so you don't have to move it each time.

  19. 4 votes
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    Combat mechanics

    --> Actually in game <--
     - We have 3 classes: Fighter, Swordsman e Sniper.
     - Fighters doesn’t have weapons with attributes like swordsman and sniper.
    --> My Ideas <--
     - Change the classes’ names to Fighter, Warrior (like a Melee Weapons Master) and Shooter.
     - Add new weapons, to fighters (like special/spiritual gloves/socks) to warrior (like heavy weapons, Murakumogiris, baseball bats) to shooter (assault rifles, precision rifles, robot arms).
     - Weapons that adds attributes to fighters (like the gloves adds damage to punches and socks adds damage to kicks).
    -> Class Specialization
    When the fighter reaches an especific level, he can choose in one of theses classes:  
    - Puncher (focus in gloves),
    - Kicker (focus in socks),
    - Pugilist (focus in combos like the actual fighters, and uses socks/gloves),
    - SkyFighter (focus in dials, the shells of skypea).
    When the warrior reaches an especific level, he can choose in one of theses classes:
    - Swordsman (focus in swords),
    - Heavyman (heavy weapons like hammers, murakumogiris),
    - SkyWarrior (focus in spears with heat dials, like shura),
    - Streetman (focus in baseball bats).
    When the shooter reaches an especific level, he can choose in one of theses classes:
    - Slinger (focus in slingshots),
    - Gunslinger (focus in pistols),
    - Fireman (focus in rifles) e
    - Half-Cyborg (focus in robotic arms, that shoots lasers and have munitions of soda).
    -> Haki/Mantra (or other name)
    Physic Mantra (Armament Haki)
    2 techniques:
    - One that cover the whole body and adds defence like this
    - And one that cover the weapons and adds strength like theses
    Vision Mantra (Observation Haki)
    1 technique:
    - When activated, and when the user takes hit, he automatically teleport to back of the target and recieve 0 damage.
    - Huge cooldown.
    Sorry about my bad english, I'm Brazillian and I'm not fluent in english yet.

  20. 4 votes
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    Marines vs Pirate Battlefield (Marine Ford War kinda)

    The Idea is to Have a War for both factions Every 2 IRL Hours, in which when the Announcement is made Players are to Sign Up to their respective NPC's in their Bases
    Randomly choosing players if the Amount Exceed the Required amount of players more into the nitty gritty of the system down below

    The war would be segmented in multiple Maps, each to be Separated by Level Brackets of (20 - 29) , (30 - 39) , (40 - 50)

    Making it so that when Marine Ford 1 (20 - 29), Loses to the side of Pirates ... the Overall score would then be 1 - 0 , still having a chance in winning for Marines if they win 
    Marine Ford 2 and 3 to the score 1 - 2

    I think the best amount of Players in this would be 8v8's in the respective maps just to keep it small scaled, as you guys can always increase numbers when the Player Count rises

    The Rewards of winning this Event would be a FACTION ONLY XP/LUK boost for an HOUR and for the Participants that was in the Winning Side gets a Special Currency used for the Shops that this System will come along with.

    This generally came from the game I've spent hundreds of hours of which is The World of Magic, so ye it's a proven system that works

  21. 4 votes
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    In Progress

    New Player Suggestion, Final Idea Post

    Hi, it's been 3 days since I've started the game with 60.8 hours at the time of writing this Suggestion.

    As a new player I've slowly realized the Progression Pattern of the game from start... it's a Stagnant Linear Progression
    Stagnant being there's really nothing else for us to do in the game other than Hit Mobs to level up/ Farm enough gold for the next Weapon in the shop/ Get Lucky enough to drop Keys from Bosses that are Camped on Rotations by Higher Level Players

    But yes... I've grinded the game for 60 hours in 3 days, Just to give an accurate assessment of what Improvements could be made.

    As I've relentlessly taken down 1000+ Eagles already , it has dawned on me and my friend that there's really nothing much to do in the game
    of course there's PvP/Bosses but like I've stated above... Bosses are a luxury if you can even Farm them as most of the time it's going to be Killed on rotations by Other Higher level players that has nothing better to do because they're either Max Level/ High Enough Level or Have most of the Items in the game already,

    And farming the Bosses for Key/Fruit Drops is their only available content...

    This creates an Environment in which New Players are then Levelling for hours... Get's ultimately bored of doing the same thing, So hey they try to do some bosses here and there but they cant because the bosses are not Up, so those Players either go back to Hitting the same mobs to grind levels... or Quit the game

    It's a pretty toxic Cycle as it is...

    Anyways, It's time for Suggestions 😄

    Item Farming is Undoubtedly one of the most Fun things you can do in an MMO, 
    and from the Comments of Veteran Players they seem to care a lot about the statement "Pirate Souls, A game in which Looking Cool does not make you Lose"

    I Like the Idea a lot of the Items all being Cosmetics... as it saves Dev Time from having to Balance certain stuff, 
    But there are OTHER ways of achieving the same effect of "Looking Cool" while making most Players Happy about the game

    the Idea I'm proposing is , to add an Option to make Items (Hideable/Worn as Cosmetic) over Items.

    But it doesn't make any sense as it is w just that Flat Idea...

    To see the Bigger Picture... Items would need to have Stats such as,
    Armor/ Headgear having HP/MP/DEF
    Rings ,Necklaces and Cloaks for Misc Stats like CRT/LS/CDR
    Boots for some Movespeed etc

    This is to create a more Dynamic environment in which all Players get to enjoy having more Items to farm for and not only Cosmetics

    But you might ask... as to why you would want to do this?, It's because for the last 3 days I've been grinding this game... It made me question as to why is Levelling the Only sort of Stats Progression we have... sure getting a Weapon Upgrade is good but that's the ONLY item slot we really need to care about

    It's off putting and weird, not having much more to do in term of Items.

    In my friend's words... "I refuse to call this as Content, Hitting the same damn birds for hours", "It's a very lazy way of creating content"
    It sums up about the entire New Player experience in the game... 

    It's kinda sad to see that when you do give out rational ideas in the Discord , Veterans are always there Gatekeep New Players from Expressing ideas with "Maybe this Game ain't for you" , We're all here to give out Suggestions that we think that will Help the game and not make it worse 😄 please if you're in this Gatekeeping mindset of "there's nothing wrong w the game" then fk off 😄 

    I will check up on the game in a few Months time, If the player base dwindles all the way down to the last 5 veterans saying "This game ain't for you" , "Get good" then yea... a Post Mortem post would be created in AGD

    BUT HEY , NinOnline will drop in September since it's w the same Publisher you guys will also get Clicks!... don't mess up at that time pls.

    a quick note on why I'm creating a Lengthy post

    I've Played Intersect Games since Leafling... Got 1k+ hours on it
    Nightmare Dropped last year ... got 450+ hours on it, 
    been anticipating Pirate Souls/NinOnline for a while now, I've know about the game from Cheshire/Indie Patron 

    so please take our suggestions and put it into play 😄 , this game is fun when it comes to PvP that's for damn sure


  22. 4 votes
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    Little things make a difference

    1. Untarget mobs once dead ( when trying to farm fast my character is still targeting dead mob unless i manually target new mob
    2. Make hits more attractive and easier to read. When crit hits, my hit, mob hits, its hard to see numbers
    3. Make bank accessible through multiple characters instead of having two computers to transfer items
    4. Make mobs health visible by numbers instead of a red health bar. makes it so we know exactly how much to hit to kill 
    5. shorten timers for trade\party. In my opinion its too long and it gets to a point one person is too buggy to do action so the other has to do it.
    6. MOST IMPORTANT: New players who are 10-15 levels underneath someone should have a limit to how many times they can be killed. lets say 5 times and 1hr cool down. I see low levels quitting because they don't have a chance to grind levels or some die during quest losing their quest item.
    7. Crucial! make more use cases for berries. As it stands i see players buying in game items for real money to get ahead while people are trying to farm and save berries in the hopes of buying such items; but the issue is these sellers have no use for berries and prefer diamonds or paypal money.

  23. 4 votes
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    Achievement Rewards

    Achievements are, as of this moment, a cool system that can be expanded upon so that players seek them out more actively. Why not unpack some ideas?
    I. Each achievement gained grants 5 Diamonds to your account. That would also help underaged players gain diamonds without having to use their mom's credit card at 4am.
    II. Certain boss-slaying achievements grant a unique title you can flaunt.
    III. Certain boss-slaying achievements grant a a unique trophy you can place on your crew's ship.
    IV. Grant a player rewards per threshold of achievements- for example, if a player reaches 5 achievements, reward them with a few Berry. When they reach 10, 15, 20, etc, repeat the process but slightly scale the Berry reward a reasonable amount to make sense for them to achievement-hunt, to give them incentive to play more.
    V. Faction-specific achievements; Marines get offered a badge of service, badge of honour, whatever you wish to flavour it as, per threshold of pirates killed in PvP combat. They can then refund those badges for unique alternate uniform styles. On the other hand, Pirates get a hefty reward of Berry per equal threshold of marines killed in PvP combat. 
    VI. Grinding achievements grant a fixed number of Soul Energy. That way, even if you're unlucky during looting you can still get some payoff when the achievement notification hits the screen.

  24. 4 votes
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    Cosmetic Update

    umm.. pretty weird that Hair gets entirely removed from when you are using 

    Straw Hat + Sauro's Hat
    I don't wanna be bald lmao

  25. 4 votes
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    Zoom Feature

    Hey guys, so i have pretty bad eyesight and id really appreciate a ui upscaler and a zoom control kinda like in nin 
    itd just make this game so much more enjoyable for me if i didnt have to squint to see anything. 