
115 ideas

  1. 3 votes
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    Boss rooms.

    Per person/party unique zone rooms.
    especially quest related boss fights.
    pvp over quest advancement is not very enjoyable.

  2. 1 vote
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    More Obvious Split In PVP

    I think the game needs to be more realistic in the way marines/pirates would act. Marines should not be able to pvp civilians or other marines without risking being kicked from the marines. Pirates should be enemies with marines, civilians and other pirates without an alliance. A pirate's life should be difficult, they should show up as enemies if they have been bloodthirsty (maybe a red border around them). Another idea would be a place to report pirate activity to marines to discourage pirates from constantly bullying newbies and others out of areas

  3. 7 votes
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    Jewel/gem socketing system

    For further progression for Levels 50+, I think weapons could use further progression, like socketing gems into them, to either add an effect or increase or add stats to it, for example you could socket and agi gem into your weapon for more movement speed, add gems to get more base stats or more damage to the weapon, gems can also have rarities, the highest level gems giving glow effects to your weapons or some kinda aura around your character, I’m thinking gems could be named Soul jewels to follow the already “soul” theme of the game, as for rarities I’m thinking there could be 5, being Common-rare-elite-legendary-divine as for the effects jewels could give could be, bleed gems, speed gems,crit gems,lifeste gems,slow gems,burn gems,freeze gems ETC this system could go many ways and could be expanded on allot.add for more long term progression and build variations in the game, over all a great system for both content and diversity. (Add on idea) Black smiths could also capitalize on this system making them ever more useful giving them the ability to craft them, and some being dropped by bosses/mini bosses and giving blacksmiths the opportunity to be the only ones to be able to socket them into a weapon this creates a sense of importance of having one you can trust in your crew, also only lvl 50+ blacksmiths can make these and get the materials to craft them to avoid Alts from being made just for this reason ~ Mirage

  4. 6 votes
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    Anti- Power Abuse System

    Hi there, i have seen that curently in game there's close to no harm in the toxic behavior  about power abusing lower level players, as rewarding as power can be for those who have it, seeing players lvl 40+  going in zergs against players who are bellow 20  is a great no for new players since their agressors  don't have any kind of punishment for having that behavior, while they can't  do activities that they are supose to do at their curent level,  actually is quite the oposite, the agressors earn  by repeating this.

      I have a few ideas,  one of them is adding a level limit to pk, something like 5 levels of distance at max or something like that. I supose that the idea of pvp quests  is to  have a real incentive to pvp, killing low level people to complete their quests or gain rep doesn't make any sense, is a mechanic that pushes people in to abusing.

    Other way that it could work is as a demerit, if you ever kill someone that's bellow the distance of 5 levels from you, you actually loose progress of your quest or loose reputation, since  doen't make sense to your rep grown if you are not fighting against someone who can react to what you're doing.

    The game itself has its own barriers and having mechanics that allows to older players to push away new ones doesn't seem as a viable strategy gaming wise.
    Other way that could work as a less punishing way is that you should not receive death penaltys if you got killed by someone who is 5/10/20/30 levels ahead of you.
    Sorry for the spelling mistakes, english is not my mother language and i  didn't run a grammar check on the text, but i'm sure that the idea is quite possible to understand.

  5. 1 vote
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    Expand peace mode or...

    Offer a cooldown bypass for a experience penalty. Feature could fade away at level 30?
    help players get into their grown bodies before being bodied all the time.
    Alternatively a way to reduce battle injuries rather through crafted medicine or food ect.

  6. 1 vote
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    Battle Injures

    I think it would be pretty tubular and radical if your battle injuries timer kept going down if you disconnect 
    Space Bones

  7. 1 vote
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    supporter edition !

    a supporter edition for the game on steam as a dlc would be really good it can give like a title and maybe an xp and loot boost or some cosmetics would be really good

  8. 3 votes
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    Sokat Boss Room Chest

    This is a simple Idea,
    Make it that after you kill Sokat (lvl 50 boss) he don't drop any items but instead a chest that each player can loot from so the loot can be slit and not just one player gets the items, if their is no item drops then their can put a small number of berries in the box as a fail drop but the main idea is to do alway with the drop being based on DPS and make it that everyone have a chance to get something even if they are a Medic or Tank

  9. 3 votes
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    quality of life functions

    1.make the wounds in the pj more quality of game in this and thus be able to differentiate more thoroughly that he has wounds or not and give more quality of life in the functions
    2.make boss kill quests count for players of any level as it helps them progress a bit better when soloing or just having a friend.
    3.more vivid colors when viewing drops and color in your inventory
    4.we put the background that the inventory has the same as the loot background, believe it or not, it's more dynamic that everything is similar and the design looks good like a pirate blade.
    5.distinguishable badge design between normal mobs and bosses
    6.add more paths to other maps and add more mobs maps like another boar map another marine and pirate mobs map, underground passageways so it's not just a single path to a place so we'll completely avoid the map change from camp making both two or three roads so that the conflict is not avoided so much add more texture of land also towards the second town and other places so that they are better guided that there are points of interest there the signs would also look good on the map and would guide to new players and aesthetically better visual and pleasing design
    7.magma fruit please :l
    8.add the bank also to hajiwari city and in the second city as well and in the desert city
    10.add for crafters the possibility of creating wooden sticks and metal sticks but with enough materials to not ruin the store so much not excessively materials but considerate for the new ones to immerse themselves in the professions or high players help their new friends with weapons
    11.reduce only percentage the drop of the souls energy many drop

  10. 1 vote
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    Please make more servers (EU, Asia, etc)

    Player experience is greatly hindered by the fact. That the lag for players in different parts of the world is so widely different. A player in EU could think they're running, while, for the server, they're standing still while another player, closer phisically to the server, is beating the snot out of them. This is specially important given how PvP oriented this game is.
    I understand this is not easy nor cheap to do, however I believe this'd help create a more diverse and definitely better player experience for those outside of North America.

  11. 0 votes
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    Cosmetics and bank

    There should be a way to transfer or have your cosmetics given to all your characters being through a cosmetic tab of all the ones youve bought or through the banking system

  12. 4 votes
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    Pirate Souls: Impression Updates

    After leveling a character to near max and playing two of the three classes I had some ideas to improve gameplay experience and tune some of the systems.
    Revamp professions system: Do not make professions a onetime selection instead make them three unique paths which can be trained and require resource and time investment to craft or heal well. This will still encourage teamwork because you can't invest in all three well at once therefore requiring your crew to split roles. However, it will create more end game content to grind for and prevent needless balancing of the professions (Locking content to a specific profession).
    Reputation Gain Level Req: Similar to the update which prevents power leveling there should be a required level for players to gain fame. Currently end game is just running around murdering every lowbee in sight so you can get a coat. The early experience with end game players now around 3 days in will be bad enough, don't incentivize mass murdering them. Include additional daily/weekly actives to grind rep as well.
    Sailing: Don't waste development time on boat battles, it will likely not work well. Making sailing an Oregon trail style random event driven experience that takes your and a limited number of crew from island to island. The system should include matchmaking with other sailing crews as a random event, as well as storms that take you to somewhere you didnt intend, NPC raiders, etc. 

  13. 4 votes
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    Target System

    I have had this problem where i am using my target key while standing right next to a mob and it does not target that mob, i have to cycle through multiple other mobs just to target the mob that is closest to me even after pressing escape to reset the target.

  14. 7 votes
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    Allow for the turning of Avatars in the character selection....

    Make it so there is a curved arrow that allows you to turn your avatar to side its side profile and back.

  15. -1 votes
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    Suggestion on boss drops

    With how low the chance items are to drop and with the new included "most damage gets the loot" drop chance it seems pretty unfair to anyone who isn't the most powerful character. An idea could be to give everyone who hit the boss the ability to get a drop ( everyone has a roll on the loot rather than only 1 person getting a chance at loot) And based on how much damage is dealt their chance for an item to drops increases. 
    Example :
    Player A and Player B arrive to a boss, they both contribute to fighting and killing the boss.
    *Lets say the default drop rate for a boss to drop an item is 10% and this 10% is given to all players who attack the boss atleast once. 
    Player A is very weak compared to Player B so he only does about 20% of the bosses health, while Player B does the remaining 80%. Because Player A did 20% of the bosses health in damage he gets an extra 5% chance for an item to drop for a total of 15%. Player B however, does 80% of the bosses health so he gets an additional 10% for a total of 20% chance for an item to drop. 
    *Percentages used are not accurate and are just examples
    I think this would address all the current unfairness around boss drops and powerful players ( Inlcuding myself ) going around killing lowlevel bosses / all bosses because of their drops and PROMOTE group play more as everyone has an equal chance to get a drop as well as GIVE BENEFITS to those who have spent the time in the game to become strong and clear content easier. 

  16. 5 votes
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    Turn Off Ally Targetting

    esentially when you're mobbing with a party you have to spam tab so it doesnt aim at your team and aims at the mob,
    id like an option that i can turn off ally targetting unless using a healing spell or something
    Bel Ze Raius

  17. 2 votes
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    Peace Mode Modifications

    Peace mode is a very nice little mode but easily abused at the moment by higher level players as they run away to just completely stop an engagement so I have a few suggestions, hopefully they would be possible to implement without much issue. all suggestions are separate ideas and could all be implemented if possible but each stand on their own.

    Mod Suggestion 1
    Peace Mode can only be activated in a safe zone area, currently if you run enough, you can leave combat engage and just turn it on to avoid a fight as stated above, this would stop such issues mostly from what we have deduced since it would force them to either fight, suicide to a mob or run fast and far enough to hit a safezone without being in a combat lock.

    Mod Suggestion 2
    Only those below 30 can activate peace mode, this allows the lower levels to have an opportunity to level while forcing the ones above 30 to either make friends or fight for their exp.

    Drawback Alternative to Mod 2
      Activation after level 30 is possible but reduces your reputation by some variable dependent on level or just a flat deduction of about 100 REP

  18. 1 vote
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    Cash shop storage

    Having shared cash shop bank with all of your characters, since the items are bound and can't be traded anyway might as well be able to share it with your own characters.

  19. 3 votes
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    Early Equipment.... Early skills.

    In many very basic games, a great way to get players into the thick of it is;
    1: introduce low level equipment early on to get players use to what different weapons do.
    ~Stick? Sling? - these weapons literally already exist but you have no loadout to them as you start the game.
    A game about Pirates/Marines/Pvp ect should probably frontload thematics to the players earlier rather than have them fumble through the game like a lost ass punching boars.

    Currently the game frontloads players right into a town full of quests. Players will tell you to ignore the quests. However you need to do quests to even afford the basic gear. Albeit you can forge the slingshot but it will require you to know that you need aim 10 for it.

    Early skills: having to wait to level 10 (which can be hours) for your first skills is excruciating and UNFUN.
    get players out and interactive with the skills.
    slight note: non weapon skills requiring level 30 is a tad bit ridiculous. The resources in game are pretty hard to come by honestly in games current state. gating things through levels is fine but at what point is it a dissapointment rather than a balance feature?

  20. 5 votes
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    Class change

    I know you guys do not want to do class change but, it would be nice if you could change your class and/or your Soul Fruit at least once or twice MAX because, the game will be getting more fruits will be coming with future updates so it would be nice if we could do that without having to make a whole new character.

  21. 4 votes

    Daily Quest Rework/Timer.

    The way daily quests work is that it happens 24 hours after your first quest... I personally think switching this over to a certain time would be better or alternatively if thats not something you agree with, I would appreciate some kind of timer that tells you when you can take quests again. For an example a System message that states "your daily quests will reset in # hours and ## minutes". 

  22. 1 vote

    Blacksmith only flavor text.

    I think creating/adding some kind of text, or indication that an item is blacksmith would help explain if a weapon is useable by everyone or just blacksmiths.

  23. 0 votes
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    Better NPC nameplates

    I think NPC nameplates should be much bigger in font size and a color that isn't black-- as more often than not it usually blends in with the background. Another suggestion as well for NPCs looking left or right their nameplates seem to be further above their heads. 
    A personal suggestion would be to make them gold or some yellow. Though that isn't always a perfect fit. Maybe a bright green? Or perhaps a nameplate behind the name to highlight it regardless of background.


  24. 2 votes

    Alliance Indicator

    There should be a simple way to know if someone is a Pirate or a Marine at a simple target.
    Maybe there is a way currently, but it should definitely be made simpler. Target outline color? Symbol indication? This could be a simple solution. 🙂

  25. 1 vote

    Need CLEAR indicators on who is pirate and marine

    Need CLEAR indicators on who is pirate and marine like icon or name color