
115 ideas

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    There should be a compass system ( similar to God of War) (2018) to lead the player to their quests in chronological order and so they can remember where to go if lost (zoro syndrome)

  3. 1 vote
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    Chest issue

    Make the chests have a guaranteed drop of something, ANYTHING like 20-60 berries. Adding that will not inflate the market because you can only kill a boss once every half hour and their isn't that many bosses, if people want to grind berries their are much more sustainable ways. People are getting upset with a chest dropping and getting nothing at all. Or just remove the chests altogether because all the chests are doing is add a false hope and not that many people will want to pay for a chest that probably doesn't have anything.

  4. 2 votes
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    Revamp of Rarity and Key System

    This idea is to remove keys from being the main form of getting the best weapons and just make it a way to get the basic form of that weapon.
    I'm suggesting to make bosses and mobs drop weapons with random stats within a set stat range and the average percentage of the stat will determine the rarity of the item, this means all shops, gift and chest items will have base stats (0%) and players will have to farm a specific boss or mob to get the best form of the items they want.
    An Example
    Common: 0-5%
    Uncommon: 6-11%
    Rare: 12-17
    Epic: 18-22
    Legendary: 23-25
    The stats that will be affected by this system will be Base Damage, Attack Speed, Critical Chance and Stat Requirement wherein all will go up and stat requirement will go down.
    Example on how the system will work, when an item does drop and all the stats are randomize by percentages what percent will determine the the rarity.
    Stat                                      Base Stats              Percentage Increase              Final Stats 
    Base Damage                      30                                  10%                                     33
    Attack Speed                      2000ms                         25%                                   1500ms
    Critical Chance                   20%                               0%                                      20%
    Stat Requirement             100agi                            5%                                     95agi
    As you can see the Attack Speed got a legendary roll but when combined with all the other stats its a 10% boost and the rarity of the weapon is uncommon.
    The purpose of the rarity can be for many thing, one of such can be to give crafter's upgrades a percentage buff when upgrading a rarer weapon base on the average stats percentage.
    A way to balance off the economy because the game will have lots of new loot that will have a price on them which is to make the items bound on pickup and they are only able to be unbounded by going to the key NPC which can only be unlocked from Faction Wars, A player will have to pay a large number of berries (like 80% or so of the item selling price) to do so or sell the item for a set price of 500 berries to an NPC if its selling price is more than that.
    The point of this is to give players a reason to want to keep farming bosses and mobs to get the best form of the weapon they want and not just stop playing when they get that one weapon from a chest also its to remove the importance of keys and make players work hard for what they want by farming the harder bosses and not the weak ones or pay a lot for berries to get that super rare item because the person that finds the weapon will have to have lots of berries to unlock the item to sell it, makes it so berries now have a bigger part to play in the game.

  5. 2 votes
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    Healing Players who have peace mode ON

    As the title suggest I think being able to heal players who have peace mode turned ON would be great. 
    This would of course be while the caster has peace mode turned OFF, "and other requirements are met, such as having the same faction association, or no faction association" so as not to allow people to exploit the process during but not limited to PVP.
    An additional note: This idea comes from me being one of those people who enjoys tossing out heals too random players in need of help during PVE experiences.

  6. 2 votes
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    Enhanced controller support

    Allow for hotkey and shortcut assignment on controller 🙂

  7. 1 vote
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    Fix the Marineford rocks

    When capturing the island the rocks can only be hit by 1 person, maybe make it so it can be hit because it only has a 1 tile hitbox which makes it slow if you are trying to do it with others, it makes it so it all depends on 1 person.

  8. 2 votes
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    Double Keybinds

    I just wanna see the capability to use the same keybind for multiple things such as q being for attack interact but then i could also assign it to pick up or somthing like in nin
    (side note: need all keys to be usable for keybinds such as tilde and alt)

  9. 4 votes
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    Zoom Feature

    Hey guys, so i have pretty bad eyesight and id really appreciate a ui upscaler and a zoom control kinda like in nin 
    itd just make this game so much more enjoyable for me if i didnt have to squint to see anything. 

  10. 2 votes
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    ~ ! ~ VIP ~ ! ~

    Sup , It's Kizumi again...

    let's get straight to the point , VIP Subscription albeit Paid in Diamonds or Berries 

    This System is as simple as it can be , You buy this VIP pass (7 Days/2 Weeks/1 Month/ 3 Months/6 Months/ 1 Year)

    If the Passes are Sold for Diamonds They should be TRADEABLE so the Whales can Spend money on that and Sell those passes to others like me :c

    OR make it cost a hefty amount of Berries making it so that it's Gold Sink overtime

    The Benefits of such a system would always be enticing to every player no matter what

    VIP's Gets instant access to a LIMITED Edition Cosmetic PER Month 
    Once the month has gone by say bye bye to the only way of acquiring the Cosmetic 

    Battle Injuries REDUCED by 50% while VIP Status Active
    this might come as a controversial benefit as to being P2W , so I'm down to see some Comments discussing about it

    World Blessing Bonus of .5x EXP, so when a World Blessing is Popped VIP's gets (2x EXP Buff, instead of the normal 1.5x EXP Buff)
    yet again another P2W discussion lol keep it civil

    VIP Player's gets access to a VIP House which has Multiple of different services
    I.E of the Services are Down below

    Daily Spins on a Roulette 
    nothing crazy , like 5 - 100 diamonds , 1 random fruit , common > rare key , Cosmetic Items akin to being "RARE" as it'd be a low af rate

    A Cosmetic Shop for Berries limited to VIP's only 
    The Cosmetic Shop RE ROLLS it's Inventory every so often (Daily/Weekly)

    A Sparring Room
    All VIP's Pirates and Marines gets this Sparring Room which does NOT include losing Bounty or Losing Rep +
    NO BATTLE INJURIES when they die inside of the Sparring Area/ They get to respawn there over and over as well.

    Ending notes , Yes some of the aspect I presented doesn't really sound too Non P2W friendly and they can always be Omitted as they will present a Debacle for this system
    imo... but those are about the only things I can think of how a VIP subscription in game would function

    anyways, lets discuss about this whole System while keeping an open mind to Improvements



  11. 4 votes
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    Cosmetic Update

    umm.. pretty weird that Hair gets entirely removed from when you are using 

    Straw Hat + Sauro's Hat
    I don't wanna be bald lmao

  12. 2 votes
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    Note sheets on cosmetics. Invisible ink?

    With the cosmetic slots, and some players asking about armors; I feel like a small compromise would be note sheets being able to give 1-5 stats on cosmetic slots.
    Another thing would be invisible ink, that way as players trade around for stat items if the item looking kinda bad they can make it invisible.
    thanks as always!

  13. 1 vote
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    A few more cosmetic lines.

    Sooner or later we will have Haki, at that point cosmetic colors could be added to change haki.
    the charge mana key X by default, currently is a small round cloud. 
    I would like some red black purple lightning myself 🙂 (100 diamonds?)
    as with every other MMO, pets, houses/ship interiors/furniture, wings, mounts ect.
    weapon skins, throwing knife skins, bullet color changer, mouse cursor color, menu color editor, menu opacity editor. 
    thanks as always.
    p.s. take my $$$$$$!!!!! 😄

  14. 3 votes
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    Hello again I have returned to flood the board with more ideas!
    this one is to help new players ease into the game a little bit.
    at level 20 when a player joins a crew. The option for crew members to apprentice the new player. The new player would get 1% of experience from the master player. Regardless of where they are.
    master rewards
    level 30 apprentice: 1 event coupon.
    level 40 apprentice: 2 event coupon.
    level 50 apprentice: 3 event coupon.
    *wink wink* ya know for new cosmetics.
    apprentice rewards could be the same or berries/soul essence ect.
    every level of apprentice could grab the master 1 reputation.
    I think this also helps world building of crews and captains.

  15. 1 vote
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    Fix Coyotes entrance

    A fix that could be approached in possibly two ways.
    1. Make it so that they cannot block the entrance and trap you with like nine of them surrounding you, making it near impossible to survive going in and taking them out.
    2. Expand the size of the entrance to coyotes and make it triple the size it is.

  16. 6 votes
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    ~ Open Seas , Ships , World Building ~

    Hello! , It's Kizumi with another Idea / Post just cuz I can...

    I'm here to really give a Feature that I feel is MISSING from the game...

    but First let's talk about One Piece! , I really love the Manga and Anime of One Piece... I've been Caught up to both Manga and Anime
    and I really want to point out that One Piece has always showed Freedom... and Freedom to the game Translated as being an OPEN WORLD EXPERIENCE

    In the manga and the anime , the crew was always out looking for the next Adventure... Going out in the sea sailing , Restaurants out in the Sea , A giant Elephant with an Enormous Tree with Furry people as Citizens , Finding all the Poneglyphs , Random encounters with Sea Kings!, Finding the Lost City of Gold in the Sky!

    the Main POINT I'm trying to give out here is... to add SAILING / OPEN SEAS / SHIP SKINS
    and yes it is do able... to all the "This is an Indie Game Dev Team, Go play WoW" comments

    Down below with the Photo I provided basically shows the Entirety of the Idea

    this is ONEPIECE to me 😄

    Basically to go in more Detail...

    When Interacting with the Ship's Helm...
    The player Enters the Open Waters... A World Map can be Viewed when you are here... (Unexplored areas are shown as FOG)

    These Open Waters aren't PvP enabled as this is literally would mean it'd be a Ship Battle not a Player to Player Battle

    ENEMIES are RANDOM Encounters that can be Triggered at any given moment as you are Sailing! , Sea Kings & Pirates Appeared? well... now You are in a Map *INSTANCED* in which it's Your Character in a Ship being "Docked/Attacked" by Pirates or Sea Kings

    of course these enemy encounters aren't necessary just a Little extra if you guys really wanted polish

    But ye... Like in the Manga and the Anime, This World Map will consist of the The Red Line, Calm Belts, Geysers that shoots you into the Sky Island 😄 , Going Underwater to travel to Fishman Island... and of course The Grand Line!

    Please 😄 this would really give that sense of Exploration the game is currently MISSING.



  17. 0 votes
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    Fruit reset

    Addition of a fruit reset item in cash shop, make it like 100 diamonds or something, it will be a good way for you guys to make money and add another fruit reset but one that also refunds the fruit for like 300 diamonds or 350.

  18. 0 votes
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    Berries use case Scenario

    A  good use case for berries would be adding a feature to trade in berries for another currency (new currency will be used to purchase in-game items; weapons, amour, keys, etc..) this way you need lots of berries to exchange (lets say 1:5 ratio for new currency as an example my point is you need lots of berries and not a little amount as that would be too easy). To make it more difficult add in kill counts; you need lots of berries, new currency and kill counts to receive the in-game store items. Players will try to use irl money to buy berries but they still need to play the game for the kill counts! Making it even more difficult to get would be making the in-game items untradeable so players HAVE to grind berries and kill counts to receive such amazing awards.
    Berries earn a use case 
    New currency for in-game items
    Cant use $USD to buy your way into in-game store items


  19. 2 votes
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    I have found myself in a situation where I cannot trade keys. 
    I had an arrangement with party members and I picked them up.
    They are currently bound.
    they cannot be traded.
    I know it's my fault as the player, but I would like to be able to fix mistakes that affect other players.
    thank you!

  20. 3 votes
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    More classes or skills

    Maybe something like a blunt weapons based class would be good to make use of sticks. 
    Also I noticed that fighter techniques are straight up Sanji's skills, so every fighter uses their feet as their main weapon making this class kinda unspecial, maybe more variety into classes would be a good idea. 

  21. 1 vote
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    In Progress


    I know the server status right now isn't what you would like it to be, However a concern I have is the use of blink step by mobs.
    I do not believe this to increase the skill level of the player, I do not believe this to be a fun mechanic. Coyotes have it, Eagles have it.
    Some mobs have dash, dash feels perfectly acceptable because the player is notified with a dash text behind the mob, it has the ability to be played around, and helps with skill expression.

    The next conundrum in this scenario is how do the mobs deal with range? Well when we look at bosses they have abilities that leave hazardous ground, missile attacks, and close range of course.
    I believe the answer is to not use blink step with mobs but rather give higher level mobs closer combat expression to that of bosses.

    Once again with current gaming any rubber banding makes mobs with blink step absolute ridiculous to deal with.

    Internet Status 200MB Down/100MB Up. Alienware Ryzen Mi7...

    Thanks as always, don't mean to sound grumpy just want to see PirateSouls be the best choice for pirate games!

  22. 2 votes
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    Crew/Division Logos

    A feature that could be sold in the Cash Shop , This is a Guild Mark Design menu... A Cosmetic item in which allows a Player to make and design their own Crew/Division Logos

    This really would be sold left and right if you ask me

    as for the flaws which is the freedom given to players to design whatever, so it could lead to Profanity... those Crew/Division logos should be Monitored , when a Player submits the Logo to be then Manually checked by Mods.


  23. 4 votes
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    Combat mechanics

    --> Actually in game <--
     - We have 3 classes: Fighter, Swordsman e Sniper.
     - Fighters doesn’t have weapons with attributes like swordsman and sniper.
    --> My Ideas <--
     - Change the classes’ names to Fighter, Warrior (like a Melee Weapons Master) and Shooter.
     - Add new weapons, to fighters (like special/spiritual gloves/socks) to warrior (like heavy weapons, Murakumogiris, baseball bats) to shooter (assault rifles, precision rifles, robot arms).
     - Weapons that adds attributes to fighters (like the gloves adds damage to punches and socks adds damage to kicks).
    -> Class Specialization
    When the fighter reaches an especific level, he can choose in one of theses classes:  
    - Puncher (focus in gloves),
    - Kicker (focus in socks),
    - Pugilist (focus in combos like the actual fighters, and uses socks/gloves),
    - SkyFighter (focus in dials, the shells of skypea).
    When the warrior reaches an especific level, he can choose in one of theses classes:
    - Swordsman (focus in swords),
    - Heavyman (heavy weapons like hammers, murakumogiris),
    - SkyWarrior (focus in spears with heat dials, like shura),
    - Streetman (focus in baseball bats).
    When the shooter reaches an especific level, he can choose in one of theses classes:
    - Slinger (focus in slingshots),
    - Gunslinger (focus in pistols),
    - Fireman (focus in rifles) e
    - Half-Cyborg (focus in robotic arms, that shoots lasers and have munitions of soda).
    -> Haki/Mantra (or other name)
    Physic Mantra (Armament Haki)
    2 techniques:
    - One that cover the whole body and adds defence like this
    - And one that cover the weapons and adds strength like theses
    Vision Mantra (Observation Haki)
    1 technique:
    - When activated, and when the user takes hit, he automatically teleport to back of the target and recieve 0 damage.
    - Huge cooldown.
    Sorry about my bad english, I'm Brazillian and I'm not fluent in english yet.

  24. 3 votes
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    Crafting Kit

    The addition of a crafting kit for blacksmiths, to craft minor things on the go, for example bullets, bandanas etc. That way they don't have to go all the way to hajiwari just for bullets or something.

  25. -1 votes
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    Losable Quest Items

    Some quests have an item that is lost on death.

    We should be able to trade it back to the player. OR #PIRATE ransom it.
    thanks for reading!