0 votes
Sustain Buffs
This is a suggestion to adjust the buffs in the game and move them from being a 2 sec cast with a only for 45-60 sec to be permanently active buff with the cost of a percent of the players maximum Energy. It also removes the Energy cost of buff and replace it with this system.
Their can be one ways for the player to lose the buffs and that is by run out of Energy.
Let me give an example on how it will work.
The player use a buff that raise their defense by 20%.
The buff will now have a Energy cost of 15% meaning that at a max 300 Energy that player will only have 255 Energy to use from as long as the buff is active.
At first glance it will seem like players are just trading one stat for another but when using multiple buffs is where this feature really makes a difference.
Let add a Haki buff to the mix
The player gets 45 willpower and 45 agility.
This buff cost 25% Energy which make 300 max Energy become 180.
This can give more options for Haki (meaning that haki passives can now be tied to the buffs and only work if the buff is active.)
1) The more buffs that's actives is the less Energy players have for skills.
2) Managing Energy becomes harder.
3) Players will have to put more points into the Energy stat.
4) Some buffs in the game now will have to be changed. (I have ideas on how some can change)
5) Plays may need to reset their stats to make their build more welcoming to this change.
1) Puts balance to the game with hybrids vs non hybrids.
2) Removes all the constant stopping in battle to rebuffs and keeps the combat flowing.
3) No Energy cost on casting buffs means players wont have to take 10 secs to refill their Energy after using all their buffs at the start of a fight.
4 )The Energy stat becomes way more important than it have ever been.
5) This is similar to how food works and can make cooks even more useful.
P.S. This is not something new to games and I think that it will work very well with this game's fast combat system by removing a big part of what makes combat slow down and that casting of buffs and the charging of Energy after. I also think this will work well with the Haki's buff and that's why I waited to see how Haki would be added to the game before posting this.
0 votes
Cook Meat Food Rework
70 hp is cool but the cooldown is very high.
Idea 1: Random Healing 100-200
Idea 2: Random Cooldown
Idea 3: Heals more with missing health example: below 50% it heals 100, below 25% it heals 150
I think the medic could use Idea 3 as well if it goes through for cook
1 vote
Reset Fruits Expansion Needed Immimently
We need to be able to reset fruit and haki and class and job.
The game is far too punishing for anybody that doesn't get lucky on their playthrough with their choices. This game is labeled open world pvp and a one piece inspired world. if not it needs to be labeled old-school retro hardcore souls like.
overall the opportunity for players to be creative is stifled completely and could be part of the issue with player retention.
(notice how we have end game content and the echo-chamber of agony and mihawk has yet to do this end game content)
0 votes
Dash/Flicker stun combat is really boring.
sniper isn't played much because it does not have a flash stun. honestly every pvp with this kind of combat is pretty damn stupid. Health per investment should go up, defense for energy/health could go up. Quick combat shouldn't come down to a fighter dash bonebreaker into a 180wp ice trap ice spikes or a 150 wp 10 flame shots and 3 flame throwers or laser kick light kick light rays with every melee class having an execution ability available and 2 fruits.
the classes that wouldn't do this combat have issues losing projectiles and cast's cancelling eachother.
0 votesPlanned
Weekly/Daily Competition
Top Player Killer (Daily)
The player with the most player kills daily will receive 10 diamonds.
Top Looter (Daily)
The player with the most items picked up daily will receive 10 event tickets
Top Grinder (Daily)
The player with the most experience gained without dying will receive 5 event tickets and 5 diamonds.
Top Player Killer (Weekly)
The player with the most kills in a week will receive a "Apex Predator" Title
Top Looter (Weekly)
The player with the most loots in a week will receive a "World's Sneakiest"
Top Grinder (Weekly)
The player with the most experience gained without dying will receive "World's Strongest" Title.
Top bosskiller (Monthly)
The player with the most boss kills monthy will receive "Unworldly Monster" Title
Weekly Competition (Crew)
The crew with the highest amount of kills per week will receive "Crew only fruit chest" per crewmate.
Monthly Competition (Alliance)
The Alliance with the highest amount of kills per month will reveive "Alliance only fruit chest"
Top Sauro Competition (Monthly)
Whichever crew has the most Sauro kills in a month will receive "1 random diamond box" per crewmate.
0 votes
More for the medic.
one of the side effects of medicine is often poison. Medics could gain a 3rd ability to enhance their attacks to do poison damage based on their energy for the damage scaling.
0 votes
Bounty Hunters
Every hour 5 to 10 bounty hunters of different levels appear across the world, these should have sauro level AI and be a way for players to collect bounty and reputation and berries only. They could have some good exp bonus to it, but this could help bandage low player count times to help players keep their PVP missions going.
0 votes
Trading Post
2 functions.
A: a place to trade coyote furs, eagle feathers, leopard skins, boars teeth, bat wings and the like for random items (different each day) players should be able to see the item they are getting, this could also form a nice way for players to get lotus cactus flowers and sacred leaves for cooking, it could also have cooked meats and soups as trade functions. Example 10 coyote fur gets you 5 cooked meat today. but 3 eagle feathers gets you 3 cooked meat today! wow ones a scam! (RNG)
B: a place for players to sell gear into a shop that other players can buy from, with the timezone differences and your broad playerbase (even if they arent on right now) this could be very very very helpful.
1 vote
post level 50 skill tree.
This would be used in place of leveling up, and in the future if you were to level up this could be a way to drain experience. 1 Million exp per point. then have a tree with the attached skill points. in a tree requiring a previous point to move up the rungs. (except the white tree, you only get 2 of the white tree.)
0 votes
Conquerors Haki - The Easy Way
Ability: Conquerors Haki.
Resource: Conquerors Haki Gauge
Variables: 0-100
When CHG is at 100 release a area wide shockwave that does damage based on AIM+AGI+WP/3. And stuns for 0 to 2 seconds based on opponents CHG.
when your CHG is 0 you will take a 2 second stun. When your chg is 1-25 you will take a 1.5 second stun. when your chg is 26-50 you take a 1 second stun. when your chg is 51-75 take a .5 second stun. when your chg is 76-99 take a .25 second stun. when your chg is 100 and another player uses Conquerors Haki, it will be a aim+agi+wp/3 vs aim+agi+wp/3 and the greater amount will take the stun length of 2 seconds.
The question becomes when should a player obtain Conquerors Haki!?
The Answer: After defeating (insert new boss here)
0 votesPlanned
Haki (The next Level)
Before I start, it should be noted that this is not for players that are under max level nor is it for players that don't like to work hard for their reward.
Haki wont make you a force to be reckoned with at the start but you will at the end, all of that being said let me give my suggestion on how I think Haki should be Implemented into the game.
At max level players will be able to choose 1 out of 3 Haki (Conqueror, Armament, or Observation which is the 3 names I will use for this suggestion) also obtaining one may not be as simple as just talking to a NPC (it could be a quest or even a boss drop).
After choosing a Haki, players will unlock a new leveling system that will be separate from their character level which will be called Haki level. (Example of this is a player can be level 50 character level and level 3 Haki level)
The same way players leveled their character, that's the same way players will level their Haki with PVP kills giving more exp than mobs.
Every Haki type will have it's own skill tree that will have passive skills and techniques that correspond the chosen Haki.
(Example of 1 of the 3 starting passive of a tree)
The player takes .5% less damage from attacks 0/10.
The player have a .5% chance to stunning it's target after hitting them for 1 sec every 20 sec 0/10.
The player have a .5% chance to a dodge incoming attack every 10 sec 0/10.
Every time a player levels their Haki they will gain a Haki point which will be used in the Haki tree.
For every 10 Haki points used, players will unlock a new set of passives on the skill tree (level 10, 20, 30, 40) but at set levels (10, 25, 50) of the Haki level they will unlock a Haki Technique.
After saying all of this, I have not even talked about players having multiple Haki which is not unheard of. I do think this should be added also but having two Haki should not be better than just having 1.
The max Haki level will be 50 but at level 25, the player will have the option to advance the level of their current Haki (which is level 26-50) or to pick another Haki (by doing a quest) but will not be able to level the previous one any longer.
When a player picks another Haki, the new Haki they pick will start at level 1 but their Haki level will be level 26 which will mean that they will only be able to get to level 25 in the new Haki also.
It should be noted that until a player picks the advance form of their current Haki, they will not obtain the level 25 Haki technique.
It may seem a bit complex but it's not from a player stand point because it will be based on a combo of systems we already have in the game, for me this system will fix a lot of problems that we are having in the game right now.
1) Players getting to max level too fast will be fixed by this because they will have more levels to gain after getting to character level 50.
2) A new system to help player balance out their current build which may have seemingly been lacking in some areas.
3) Constant updates, this suggestion does not have to be added all at once, the first 10 Haki levels can be added and after some time more and more can be added to keep players coming back as a way of raising the level cap every so often along side adding new passives to trees.
4) RP is a part of the game and this system will show that in many ways, for example, if a player have the Armament Haki and your fighting them you will naturally see them taking less damage without them even using a technique.
5) This will also add some more income to the game, not only by players playing the game but also by having two new items in the cash shop in the form of a Haki point rest and the other in a Haki reset which will make player pick a whole new Haki but start at level 1 Haki level.
0 votesPlanned
Techniques Level and Upgrade
The point of this idea is for players to be able to customize their Techniques to their own specific playstyle adding another level to players build with out overwhelming them at the start of the game.
At level 40 or 50, players will unlock the Techniques Master trainer.
The Techniques Master trainer will be the NPC that players go to when they want to unlock their class/fruit Techniques trees.
Ever Technique in the game will have its own Technique tree unique to the Technique.
After a Technique have been awaken, every time that Technique is used in battle, it will gain experience and will level up when it gains enough experience.
All Techniques will have a max level of 10 and when a Technique levels up, that Technique gets it's own passive skill point that the player can use to upgrade that Technique in one(1) or two(2) paths with each path having two passives.
(example of this using the sniper's cloak Technique)
Path 1: (passive one) Lower the energy
cost of the skill by 2% for ever level
(passive two) when you hit a player
when hidden, you deal 3% more
damage for ever level 0/5
Path 2: (passive one) Players move 1%
faster when hidden 0/5
(passive two) players stay hidden
2% longer 0/5
Players are not limited to any one path, they can mix and match passives but they can only unlock the 2nd passive in a tree by first maxing out the first passive (5/5), meaning that players can not have any points in both paths 2nd passive at the same time.
When the Technique gets to max level(10/10) It is then considered Mastered which gives the Technique or the player a buff, which means that even if a player don't like the passives of the Technique tree, thy can still work towards maxing out the Technique(10/10)
(example of this using the sniper's cloak Technique and fighter's invincible Technique.)
sniper cloak Technique Master level: The players have a 5% chance when receiving over 20 damage to become invisible for 5 sec and not use the skill cooldown.
Fighter Invincible Technique Master level: The players have a 3% chance when receiving damage to become invisible for 2 sec and not use the skill cooldown.
1 votePlanned
This is a very simple idea on how I think the game arena should work. Its not just a random even that is done for a short time but it will be used to bring live to the game and give players that have done all that they can something to do as they keep waiting for updates also it's for players that don't like to grind in PvE because some things you can get in PvE you can get here and even more.
Arena will be 1v1 and 3v3
Players queue up for random battles and is teleported when the game match them with players of their rank point range.
Arena is done in seasons,
Every month or so will be an arena season,
In that time the Arena will be open for gaining rank points.
You gain rank points when you win.
You lose rank points when you don't win.
Rank points are used to determine your rank placement at the end of a season
The Arena will be open 2 times a day, every 2 days for 3 hours every time it is open.
Their will be PvP dallies quest for arena only, 3 win, 5 wins and 10 wins.
Daily quest and wins in the Arena gives you Arena points
You don't gain any arena points or rank points after 10 wins.
Arena points is used to buy items in the Arena store,
The greater your Arena rank, the better the rewards you are able to buy.
(Example of rewards are Fruits, keys, notes, gear and weapons)
At the end of a season, players will be given titles based on their ranking that may or may not have PvP base stats on it.
Other rewards will be given based on their ranking placement at the end of a season also.
1 vote
Please improve the combat system/movement system.
I believe that the combat system and the movement system would improve by doing this simple thing making it so the player can look which direction the mouse is looking would make it easier to attack with sword/melee also improving the combat would be reducing the attack time having to wait 2 seconds to use your m1 again should be improved to less than a second so you could actually combo.
0 votes
this game would be so much more fun if it had a bigger community with new players coming in often. Best way to do that is spreading the news on apps like tik Tok and twitter and Instagram. Dev's please this game is too good for only the gated few, all it takes is a little effort in advertising. shoot I'd do it if i was properly compensated. this game has so much potential, and I'd hate to see it go to waste.
2 votes
this game would be so much more fun if it had a bigger community with new players coming in often. Best way to do that is spreading the news on apps like tik Tok and twitter and Instagram. Dev's please this game is too good for only the gated few, all it takes is a little effort in advertising. shoot I'd do it if i was properly compensated. this game has so much potential, and I'd hate to see it go to waste.
3 votes
i think they are great and cool way of looking at what you have done but i think it would be cool if that when you hit a milestone like killing a certain amount of a enemies that you do more damage. as a example boars lets say you kill 100 now when facing that boar you do base damage + 1.25* more damage.
2 votes
More Skills / Variations - Early Game.
So.. I tried the game again. I can tell, it's already much better than Nin after its over 10 yrs of development.
But it has flaws that keeps the majority away.
Main flaw I noticed in the game is the non-existant combat feeling.
As a beginner you got a bunch of ways to engage the fight, but you can't really keep it up.
Wow, I can use my punches and hit until my hp goes down, as I have to tank every single hit. / The dodge roll? is probably the most useless skill I've ever witnessed in a game. (could be the ping tho.)
Later on if you pick your class, you'd think, now its time, the fun shall begin! yeah.. no.
Again, you got skills to engage the fight, but you can't keep it up.
Fighter, is pretty much just the level 1 experience with kicks.
Swordsman, is the most idle-game-ish experience I've seen in a game, pokemon battles including text reading is more intense than the swordsman gameplay pre level 20+
Gunner, is more consistant in contributing but with the common projectile glitches, just as frustrating. You craft/buy your bullets, watch every 3rd bullet fly through the enemy as you slowly... slooowly.. drain down the hp.
My advice:
Add more skills to the game, don't lock them behind farming soul-potatoes to unlock them, maybe let people pick paths to adjust their experience.
Fighter: engage and disengaging skills, so they wont turn into punching bags for monsters and be forced to stay afk until their hp is back up.
Swordsman: has movement already, but its meaningless if you have to wait 14s to keep going. No level 10 player needs a stun, bleed and teleport skill. The stun is great to avoid the hit trading, but if the skill has a shorter cooldown (equally reduced damage) it's less of an idle-game simulator and more of a combat feeling.
Sniper: Hard to give an advice there, as the projectile glitches are client based, combined with the blowpipe its actually quite fun but due to the low early damage, it feels less exciting than mining trees in minecraft with bare fists.
Allow players to decide if they want a more calm experience or a more dynamic experience by giving them more skills.
Fighters can be jumpy, having a lunge attack, pounce, rolling or what ever, to engage and disengage the enemies.
Swordsmen should just have a less overtuned early skill in exchange for lower cooldowns, that way they can actually do more actions per minute instead of just running.
I know I most likely just scratched the surface but, after 10 hours of early game, its fair to say, I'd rather play actual idle games than playing pirate souls at this current state.
I personally play games to have fun. (who doesn't) - Being forced to run away 56seconds per minute because of overtuned cooldowns, isn't fun.
Keep up the great work tho, so maybe.. some day the game can actually keep their players 😄
3 votes
See who's online/how many players online
A feature or button to see who's online.
1 vote
See who's online/how many players online
A feature or button to see who's online.
2 votes
3 votesPlanned
Haki Introduction
This is a detailed breakdown on how I think Haki should work in PirateSouls.
Please feel free to leave feedback in the comments.
1. Haki Types:
- Observation Haki: Enhances situational awareness, allowing players to detect hidden enemies, traps, incoming threats, hidden treasures or even secret passageways. (Shows red dots on mini map and increases accuracy)
- Armament Haki: Increases the player's combat effectiveness, making their attacks more potent and capable of bypassing enemy defenses. Armament Haki users could create a defensive aura that reduces damage from enemy attacks. (Physical Moves cannot miss)
- Conqueror's Haki: Unleashes a powerful force that can intimidate or even control NPCs and certain creatures. High level Conqueror’s users might be able to temporarily stun or disrupt the actions of their opponents, creating openings. (Turns NPCs into temporary allies)
2. Mastery Tiers:
- Each Haki type has multiple mastery tiers, from Novice to Grandmaster.
- Players earn experience and complete quests to advance through these tiers.
- Advancing through tiers unlocks new abilities and increases the effectiveness of existing ones.
3. Skill Tree:
- Players can customize their Haki abilities through a skill tree.
- Each tier unlocks a new branch in the tree with unique abilities and passive bonuses.
- For example, in Armament Haki, one branch could focus on strengthening melee attacks, while another enhances ranged attacks.
4. Haki Training Facilities:
- Players can visit specialized training facilities in different regions of the game world to improve their Haki skills.
- These facilities offer challenges, puzzles, and duels to enhance specific Haki types.
5. Haki Gear and Items:
- Equipable items and gear can augment Haki abilities.
- Armament Haki-infused weapons deal bonus damage to Devil Fruit users.
- Observation Haki gear may increase detection range and accuracy.
6. PvP and PvE Impact:
- Haki plays a significant role in both player-vs-environment and player-vs-player combat.
- In PvP battles, skilled Haki users can predict and counter opponents' moves, creating intense strategic gameplay.
- In PvE, certain enemies may be immune to regular attacks, requiring the use of Armament Haki to damage them.
7. Haki Challenges:
- Daily and weekly challenges encourage players to utilize Haki in various scenarios, rewarding them with experience and unique items.
8. Grandmaster Achievements:
- Achieving Grandmaster status in a Haki type unlocks prestigious titles, cosmetics, and recognition in the game world.
9. Haki Events:
- Special in-game events and tournaments showcase the mastery of Haki, providing opportunities for players to test their skills against others.
10. Balance and Updates:
- Regular game updates should include balance adjustments to ensure no Haki type becomes overpowered, promoting diversity in gameplay.
This Haki Mastery System would add depth and excitement to PirateSouls, offering players the chance to immerse themselves in the rich world of One Piece and develop their characters in unique and strategic ways.
5 votesPlanned
content ideas
I have several ideas that can make the game more fun and improve the gameplay to get more involved in the One Piece world:
1. The idea would be to implement the navigation of individual ships to go from one island to another, the 2 things they prioritize in One Piece is the adventure sailing the seas and this would improve the game in many ways. Ships with which you can do naval battles.
I mean that your ship, which could be like Ace's or Mihawk's, have a useful life of, for example, 1300 hp and a general damage that does not follow a pattern according to the stats, if not, for example, 98 damage, the bullets would have to be manufactured that it would be the only thing that would vary the damage from your ship. If the ship is destroyed in the sea you end up dead and the ship destroyed. What you would already have 2 ways: repair it or buy another.
As seen here, a ship construction/repair specialty could be included, which would give the game much more play in the future.
2. It would be cool to make an Arc that helps to get certain lvls easier, especially from lvl 40 - 50. The truth is that it is hard to be in coyotes from lvl 20/25 to 50. Adding Variations of mobs or the arc would not be bad!
I suggest an Arc or put mobs that help the lvl on the fortress map it seems a pretty empty map right now and it would make people go to that map more.
3. I propose a new island for the theme of the ships that could be very good, the Water 7 island from the anime one Piece and there could be new mobs/Arc, stronger ships, etc...
4. This is rather an improvement for those of animal fruit when we become a hybrid we remain completely naked, the truth is that the character does not look so good like this, I suggest that at least from the waist down the body it stays on.
3 votesPlanned
Gear 2nd Power Up?
We all know gear 2nd it's a pretty know-well power up in the anime, and It would be cool if this will be added in the game.
My idea is a about a power up that increases the damage of all the techniques from the normal rubber attacks, making them more faster and stronger. Of course this will sound broken, so we can limit it with a "Residual damage" Of using the power up like the anime because:
"Gear 2 dramatically shortens Luffy's life force, increasing the chance of having a much shorter lifespan due to starving his body." And we can translate that about making the player energy bar go down constantly.
4 votesPlanned
Class Idea: Rogue
Drawing some inspiration from some very old games, The rogue is both a short range and a long range combatant.
The character being able to use both weapons from aim and agility classes creates a versatile combatant that would create another way to play. having the stats stressed very difficult between aim and agility means that we don't need to worry about going into a fruit with this class, as that could be detrimental. However it will create opportunity for low wp builds that utilize 1 or 2 skills from the fruit classes. You could see things like Ice and Reindeer seeing some extra love from this class. Even light, rubber could have some fun in this class.
Like rogue in other games, it will feel like a small mix of ranger and fighter.
Skills would require both Agility and Aim.
Skill I: Precision (aim15) 60 second cooldown. Duration 45.
First skill for the class will be a buff. This buff will increase the damage of sub-weapons (knives, blowgun, handgun)
Skill II: Trip (agi 20) 10 second cooldown. duration .5
second skill for the class would be a small blink snare. range should be 2. the zone should be 1 range around the player.
Skill III: Guile (aim 30) 60 second colldown. 45 second duration.
sub weapons will always strike critically. +10 agi +10 aim.
Skill IV: Backstab (agi 45) 30 second cooldown. duration 3
blink to a target in range of 5 and deal large amount of damage. then gain a brief invisibility for 3 seconds.
Skill V: Bullet Roll (aim 50) 20 second cooldown. duration 1.
perform a movement that allows you to dodge damage. deals small damage to 3 square.
Skill VI: Knife Barrage (agi 60) 12 second cooldown.
cast 1: cast time 1 second, creates a handful of knives. (12) Duration 10
cast 2+: can throw the created knives on cooldown .25