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Dash/Flicker stun combat is really boring.

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sniper isn't played much because it does not have a flash stun. honestly every pvp with this kind of combat is pretty damn stupid. Health per investment should go up, defense for energy/health could go up. Quick combat shouldn't come down to a fighter dash bonebreaker into a 180wp ice trap ice spikes or a 150 wp 10 flame shots and 3 flame throwers or laser kick light kick light rays with every melee class having an execution ability available and 2 fruits. 

the classes that wouldn't do this combat have issues losing projectiles and cast's cancelling eachother.

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also fighter has a stun 4 micro stuns, invuln. high health build because its buff has 20% agi buff. add a cook to that and they can grab 40+ agi no problem. the only other ability that keeps this scaling chase is ice sword with full wp investment.
also light/ice weapons need to just be on hit buffs and their respective buffs. The weapon idea is hot garbage.

smoke's skill 4 needs fixxed. Lions roar and air cutter suffer this issue. Maneater from sniper is suffering this issue.


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Hello if you have gotten this far you have gotten back to sober me, and sober me has an idea for how a swordsman can more effectively fight against the stun combo meta without breaking the fighter. Lions roar is in a state of chaos in terms of use case. I would suggest the fix to this being a cleanse on cast and then the warp slash.

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