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  4. Balanset-1A: Balancing made simple and accessible Rotor imbalance is a frequent cause of equipment failures, second only to bearing wear in frequency. Imbalance can arise from mechanical issues . While replacing bearings is often the only solution for wear, rotor imbalance can be corrected on-site through balancing, a procedure related to rotor equipment vibration tuning . Traditionally, this process required complex and expensive vibration analyzers operated by highly qualified specialists. However, Vibromera has developed the Balanset-1A, a instrument designed to simplify on-site rotor balancing, making it accessible even to personnel with minimal training, including maintenance services . The core philosophy of Balanset-1A is simple: rotor balancing should be achievable on-site, by anyone, without extensive knowledge and without high costs. Instead of being a secondary function of a multifunctional vibration analyzer, balancing is the primary focus of Balanset-1A. While it includes a fundamental built-in vibration signal analyzer to detect imbalance and other basic defects, its main goal is easy and comfortable balancing. This focus provides significant advantages. Balanset-1A is designed for simplicity , allowing users to quickly and effectively eliminate rotor imbalance. This ease of use enables maintenance personnel to take active steps in maintaining equipment functionality. Additionally, Vibromera has made the Balanset-1A exceptionally affordable. Priced at just €1751 , it offers excellent value for money, especially considering the complete package. The complete package includes: Measurement unit: The heart of the system, analyzing sensor data and guiding the balancing process. Two vibration sensors: They accurately capture the rotor's vibrational characteristics. Optical sensor (laser tachometer): Used for measuring rotational speed and phase determination . Magnetic stand: Provides stable and flexible mounting of sensors. Electronic scales: Necessary for precise weight adjustment during balancing. Software: Intuitive software accompanies the balancing process and provides detailed reports. Transport case: Ensures safe and convenient transportation of the entire system. With this complete package, users have everything needed to perform both single-plane and two-plane balancing right out of the box . This eliminates the need to purchase extra parts and simplifies the setup process. In conclusion, the Balanset-1A represents a significant step forward in making rotor balancing accessible . By focusing on simplicity and offering a comprehensive and budget-friendly solution, Vibromera empowers maintenance teams to effectively eliminate rotor imbalance, ultimately enhancing equipment reliability and reducing downtime. The Balanset-1A proves that with the right tools, even challenging maintenance tasks can be made easy and accessible to all . Instagram: Youtube : Our website about Professional organizations for vibration and balancing Machinio: Facebook:
  5. Shenmue

    Sustain Buffs

    I see what you mean @archadria2, but what if the player wants to keep it longer?
  6. archadria2

    Sustain Buffs

    for instance right now using haki costs 50 energy, My thought was maybe a little more than that. a constant 70, achieved by -7 energy on the buff itself.
  7. Shenmue

    Sustain Buffs

    Thanks for your replay @Dareem, but I still have some issues with the percentage system. - Players will still have to stop to charge since after using some techniques they will be low hp. - I don't see how it impacts more hybrid players than normal players. Normal players will have more energy stats so they will lose more energy if it's percentage based. - With an energy drain system, people with low energy (hybrid players) will have an harder time chaining techniques. We can adjust the energy drain value so it's not that big. Also people will keep their clothes Energy drain sucks, but it's still playable right? Isn't that better since you can last longer than fixed time and decide when to stop it? @archadria2 what do you mean by "flat cost of energy reservation"?
  8. Dareem

    Sustain Buffs

    In most cases the % cost is better than a flat number and that is only if you use my numbering i'm sure if added it will be way less than the numbers I put there. This will buff Reindeer and Leopard because they wont have the energy drain this will just have a flat % off their energy
  9. archadria2

    Sustain Buffs

    1: %Energy Costs of skills will double down on the punishment of going hyrbid. The fruit system is to help overall with the end-game aspect of the game and should be doubled down on in terms of creativity: what that means is every player should strive to fit a fruit into their build. If you want to punish players for using a fruit look at the future of sea prism and gears. Gears. Run and Buff is a hard meta to try and attack with this kind of change, if you go the route of the transformation cost; you will have nobody using haki just like reindeer and leopard. We mess around and use the transformations but in pvp 1: the models dont have clothing, 2 the energy drain sucks. Energy + Cooldowns is already a pretty good gateway in combat. If you put a flat cost of energy reservation it would work out amazingly.
  10. Dareem

    Sustain Buffs

    Another point of the suggestion is to keep the fighting going and not make players have to always stop and regain energy because it keeps getting drained over time, this will only really work if the energy regen upgrade on gear worked for combat then players will have to stack that to keep fighting and having fun.
  11. Dareem

    Sustain Buffs

    The reason for the percentage and not a number is to make the points per energy stat goes down the more you put stats into it, The more buffs you use the less you have for skills you can use, let me give an example of both to show what I mean. A light swordsman use. Swordsman Resolution 25 Energy 15% Energy Haki Buff 45 Energy 25% Energy Light Sword 30 Energy 20% Energy Total 100 Energy 60% Energy With a flat energy cost a player will just have to put 20 points into the energy stat to make the 100 energy and to keep all their buffs up, use all their skills with no downside to having more buffs and skills than other players. With a percentage cost every point a player puts into the energy stat gets lower the more buff they use so for a Hybrid player to have all 3 buffs up they will have to have 100 points into the energy stat to keep all their buffs up and have 200 energy for other skills so they have to balance their buffs and their stats which in turn balance the game.
  12. Shenmue

    Sustain Buffs

    The suggestion is nice, but why is the energy removal expressed as a percentage rather than a fixed value? This disadvantages players who invest more stats in energy. What about a buff similar to the leopard or reindeer transformation? It could cost energy to cast, but once activated, it would drain energy every X seconds. If you have multiple buffs, you won't be able to fight for long if you don't have enough energy.
  13. This is a suggestion to adjust the buffs in the game and move them from being a 2 sec cast with a only for 45-60 sec to be permanently active buff with the cost of a percent of the players maximum Energy. It also removes the Energy cost of buff and replace it with this system. Their can be one ways for the player to lose the buffs and that is by run out of Energy. Let me give an example on how it will work. The player use a buff that raise their defense by 20%. The buff will now have a Energy cost of 15% meaning that at a max 300 Energy that player will only have 255 Energy to use from as long as the buff is active. At first glance it will seem like players are just trading one stat for another but when using multiple buffs is where this feature really makes a difference. Let add a Haki buff to the mix The player gets 45 willpower and 45 agility. This buff cost 25% Energy which make 300 max Energy become 180. This can give more options for Haki (meaning that haki passives can now be tied to the buffs and only work if the buff is active.) Cons 1) The more buffs that's actives is the less Energy players have for skills. 2) Managing Energy becomes harder. 3) Players will have to put more points into the Energy stat. 4) Some buffs in the game now will have to be changed. (I have ideas on how some can change) 5) Plays may need to reset their stats to make their build more welcoming to this change. Pros 1) Puts balance to the game with hybrids vs non hybrids. 2) Removes all the constant stopping in battle to rebuffs and keeps the combat flowing. 3) No Energy cost on casting buffs means players wont have to take 10 secs to refill their Energy after using all their buffs at the start of a fight. 4 )The Energy stat becomes way more important than it have ever been. 5) This is similar to how food works and can make cooks even more useful. P.S. This is not something new to games and I think that it will work very well with this game's fast combat system by removing a big part of what makes combat slow down and that casting of buffs and the charging of Energy after. I also think this will work well with the Haki's buff and that's why I waited to see how Haki would be added to the game before posting this.
  14. per last comment i keep saying Lions roar, King's Roar
  15. 70 hp is cool but the cooldown is very high. Idea 1: Random Healing 100-200 Idea 2: Random Cooldown Idea 3: Heals more with missing health example: below 50% it heals 100, below 25% it heals 150 I think the medic could use Idea 3 as well if it goes through for cook
  16. Hello if you have gotten this far you have gotten back to sober me, and sober me has an idea for how a swordsman can more effectively fight against the stun combo meta without breaking the fighter. Lions roar is in a state of chaos in terms of use case. I would suggest the fix to this being a cleanse on cast and then the warp slash.
  17. We need to be able to reset fruit and haki and class and job. The game is far too punishing for anybody that doesn't get lucky on their playthrough with their choices. This game is labeled open world pvp and a one piece inspired world. if not it needs to be labeled old-school retro hardcore souls like. overall the opportunity for players to be creative is stifled completely and could be part of the issue with player retention. (notice how we have end game content and the echo-chamber of agony and mihawk has yet to do this end game content)
  18. Haki level 11 for me did not even grant me a point tonight either.
  19. areas that should be dark, and night-time no longer have a light effect to them at all
  20. also fighter has a stun 4 micro stuns, invuln. high health build because its buff has 20% agi buff. add a cook to that and they can grab 40+ agi no problem. the only other ability that keeps this scaling chase is ice sword with full wp investment. also light/ice weapons need to just be on hit buffs and their respective buffs. The weapon idea is hot garbage. smoke's skill 4 needs fixxed. Lions roar and air cutter suffer this issue. Maneater from sniper is suffering this issue.
  21. sniper isn't played much because it does not have a flash stun. honestly every pvp with this kind of combat is pretty damn stupid. Health per investment should go up, defense for energy/health could go up. Quick combat shouldn't come down to a fighter dash bonebreaker into a 180wp ice trap ice spikes or a 150 wp 10 flame shots and 3 flame throwers or laser kick light kick light rays with every melee class having an execution ability available and 2 fruits. the classes that wouldn't do this combat have issues losing projectiles and cast's cancelling eachother.
  22. This week in pirate souls the once peaceful Rhum Island and Boken coast once again ravaged by the flames of war. The world government sent out fleets to deal with a new unified pirate force consisting of some highly notable pirates with big bounties such as Barbossa, Mandrake, and BlazEsty. Phantom pirates movement has been minimal but reported in the area of Mastery island. Rumors of sekani pirate movement has been heard. Admiral Jun and Esty arrived on Mastery Island with vice admirals along. The area is mostly uninhibited, rumors have it there is a revolutionary army outpost nearby.
  23. Сковорода RATIONAL IVARIO PRO XL WW9ENRA.0002008 Сковорода RATIONAL IVARIO PRO XL – это идеальный инструмент для профессиональных кухонь, созданный для поваров, стремящихся к совершенству. Эта сковорода не только обеспечивает высокую эффективность приготовления, но и предлагает уникальные возможности для создания кулинарных шедевров. В этом описании мы подробно рассмотрим все ключевые характеристики и преимущества данной модели, а также поделимся советами по ее использованию и уходу. Уникальные характеристики Сковорода RATIONAL IVARIO PRO XL имеет множество особенностей, которые делают её идеальной для ресторанов и кафе. В первую очередь, стоит отметить её размер. Наличие широкой рабочей поверхности позволяет готовить большие порции еды одновременно, что крайне важно в условиях высокой нагрузки на кухне. Изготовленная из высококачественной нержавеющей стали, сковорода обеспечивает отличную теплопроводность, что способствует равномерному прогреву пищи и предотвращает её пригорание. Специальное антипригарное покрытие делает процесс приготовления ещё более удобным и простым, позволяя легко готовить даже самые деликатные блюда. Эргономичный дизайн Сковорода RATIONAL IVARIO PRO XL отличается не только функциональностью, но и продуманным дизайном. Удобная ручка обеспечивает надежный захват, а её форма позволяет легко переворачивать и перемещать блюда. Кроме того, сковорода легко помещается на стандартные плиты и подходит для использования на индукционных, газовых и электрических плитах. Многообразие применения Эта сковорода идеально подходит для жарки, тушения, а также для приготовления различных соусов и запеканок. Благодаря своей универсальности, она станет незаменимым помощником на любой кухне, позволяя готовить разнообразные блюда – от мясных и рыбных до овощных и десертов. Сковорода RATIONAL IVARIO PRO XL также подходит для приготовления здоровой пищи, так как позволяет использовать минимальное количество масла, сохраняя при этом все полезные свойства продуктов. Это делает её отличным выбором для тех, кто следит за своим питанием и стремится к здоровому образу жизни. Легкость в уходе Уход за сковородой RATIONAL IVARIO PRO XL не требует особых усилий. Благодаря антипригарному покрытию, остатки пищи легко удаляются, а сама сковорода подходит для мытья в посудомоечной машине. Это значительно сокращает время на уборку и позволяет сосредоточиться на приготовлении пищи. Советы по использованию Перед первым использованием рекомендуется промыть сковороду теплой водой с мылом и тщательно высушить. Для продления срока службы антипригарного покрытия избегайте использования металлических принадлежностей. Лучше всего использовать деревянные или силиконовые лопатки. Нагревайте сковороду постепенно, чтобы избежать деформации и повреждений. При жарке на высоких температурах используйте масла с высокой температурой дымления, такие как оливковое или рапсовое. Заключение Сковорода RATIONAL IVARIO PRO XL WW9ENRA.0002008 – это отличный выбор для профессиональных поваров и любителей кулинарии. Её высокое качество, надежность и многофункциональность делают её незаменимым инструментом на кухне. Приобретая эту сковороду, вы не только упрощаете процесс приготовления, но и значительно улучшаете качество своих блюд. Не упустите возможность добавить в свою кухню этот уникальный продукт, который поможет вам создать настоящие кулинарные шедевры. Заказывайте сковороду RATIONAL IVARIO PRO XL уже сегодня и наслаждайтесь готовкой! [url=]Сковорода RATIONAL IVARIO PRO XL WW9ENRA.0002008[/url] [url=] Оборудование для ресторанов и баров [/url]
  24. Top Player Killer (Daily) The player with the most player kills daily will receive 10 diamonds. Top Looter (Daily) The player with the most items picked up daily will receive 10 event tickets Top Grinder (Daily) The player with the most experience gained without dying will receive 5 event tickets and 5 diamonds. Top Player Killer (Weekly) The player with the most kills in a week will receive a "Apex Predator" Title Top Looter (Weekly) The player with the most loots in a week will receive a "World's Sneakiest" Top Grinder (Weekly) The player with the most experience gained without dying will receive "World's Strongest" Title. Top bosskiller (Monthly) The player with the most boss kills monthy will receive "Unworldly Monster" Title Weekly Competition (Crew) The crew with the highest amount of kills per week will receive "Crew only fruit chest" per crewmate. Monthly Competition (Alliance) The Alliance with the highest amount of kills per month will reveive "Alliance only fruit chest" Top Sauro Competition (Monthly) Whichever crew has the most Sauro kills in a month will receive "1 random diamond box" per crewmate.
  25. one of the side effects of medicine is often poison. Medics could gain a 3rd ability to enhance their attacks to do poison damage based on their energy for the damage scaling.
  26. archadria

    Haki (The next Level)

    Hats off guys thats a long read and a great start!
  27. Every hour 5 to 10 bounty hunters of different levels appear across the world, these should have sauro level AI and be a way for players to collect bounty and reputation and berries only. They could have some good exp bonus to it, but this could help bandage low player count times to help players keep their PVP missions going.
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