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Suggestion Thread (Multiple)

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After being the 2nd max level in the game and 1st max level of my class (Sniper) here are some suggestions/ideas that I have been writing down while leveling, sharing your thoughts on these below is appreciated.


Contrary to popular belief, I personally don't think sniper is fine. When comparing the other classes in Fighter and Swordsmen, Sniper is very underwhelming skills wise.
You have to put in way more work to do the same things that Fighter and Swordsmen can do while in fights pretty easily. I can't give any suggestions regarding my class until I see changes on the other ones. So for now I will refrain from saying anything that might make the class over tuned.

QoL Changes:

  • Make it so that projectiles can pass through other players, right now in fights all sniper moves are being shot into allies and being body blocked by them and not hitting enemies, putting Snipers at a major fighting disadvantage.
  •  Make it so that Snipers can shoot diagonally without auto aim on by pressing W+A W+D S+D etc, reason being is that people who play with auto-aim off (such as myself currently) are put at a disadvantage simply because they cannot shoot diagonally without having it on.
  • Add look keys (like in Nin Online) for up, down, left, and right. They fit the game and are a really great added feature for bind customization.
  • Please add a map lock after dying when spawning at either marine base or pirate tents. Right now they are being abused by both parties to contest boss areas for devil fruits, and also fights by repeatedly coming back to map lock players after they have died.
  • Desert Eagles (Mobs) should be tweaked a bit (Reduce ranged projectile speed, dmg, aggro range) are some ideas. 

Personal Opinions

  • Take auto aim off of melee for fighters and swordsmen: In my personal opinion sniper is the only class that should have auto aim in general, but its just not fair for fighters and swordsmen to have auto aim on their melee's, and to meet in the middle they can keep it on their skills, but I feel like you should reward skillful players who actually aim their melee attacks, and not have auto aim do everything for them.
  • Lower drop rates on Devil Fruit, and SE. Reduce the drop rates only slightly, right now I feel like with the current rates, devil fruits won't feel as special to acquire, and there will be way too much SE in circulation. If you don't reduce the Devil Fruit rates, please reduce the SE rates, right now its wayyyy too easy to get. And with
    already nerfing the amount required to get T2 skills (Which wasn't THAT bad) there will be an unnecessary surplus.
  • Lower devil fruit bosses spawn times, this goes hand and hand with lowering the drop rates on them. I think it should be lowered by maybe 5-10 minutes, of course the interval is up to you guys but, these bosses are already being put on personal timers by players, and would benefit from having shorter spawn times to combat that. And another optional thing is to announce in global chat when these fruit bosses appear. 

    Example: ''Lightning comes down from the sky as Frio Po appears somewhere in Hajiwari Forest!''  Instead of it just announcing that the rock has been broken (That alerts people anyways)

    I had a lot more suggestions initially, but they were already added to the game! Which is awesome. Thanks for reading 🙂


Edited by Puok

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User Feedback

Recommended Comments


  • It is something we will do once the game will reaches a stable state for sure.
  • In the early version of the game (before alpha). It used to work like this. Then we realized it was nearly impossible to land skill shot while chasing someone.
  • It is something we could do once the game reach a stable state too.
  • The problem with adding a map lock on death just for that specific issue is that every other people who died by doing something else will be frustrated unnecessarily.
  • Noted

Personal opinion:

  • Improving the pvp to reward more skillful player is something planned in the next coming days.
  • We want Soul Fruits to be rare, but we don't want people to think that they can't get it if they farm the bosses regularly. So we will keep the drop rate the same for now and see how it goes. I agree for the Soul Energy high drop rate.
  • I believe that announcing when a boss spawn will remove part of the exploration in the game. The only reason why it is announced for Frio Po is that destroying a rock (a long process) is required.
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I was never a fan of the direcitonal key mechanic in nin because it basically forces you to be extremely mechanic and own a keyboard without ghosting to compete movement wise with anyone that does have directional keys and non ghosting keyboards and just spedns alot of hours learning hard very steep mechanical skill.


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20 hours ago, Elevenswords said:

I was never a fan of the direcitonal key mechanic in nin because it basically forces you to be extremely mechanic and own a keyboard without ghosting to compete movement wise with anyone that does have directional keys and non ghosting keyboards and just spedns alot of hours learning hard very steep mechanical skill.


I don't think its necessary to use look keys, even in Nin. I never used them, and according to others was a ''top mechanical player'' lol I just think its a cool add tbh

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I dunno like i was just never a fan of artificially adding more skill to the game by making it more mechanically based if im making any sense.

I always thought adjusting kit dificulty instead of adding mechanical dificulty was better.

but yeah this is jsut an opinion of course and its not like its a bad idea its just i dont really like it that much .

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