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Conquerors Haki - The Easy Way

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Ability: Conquerors Haki.
Resource: Conquerors Haki Gauge
Variables: 0-100

When CHG is at 100 release a area wide shockwave that does damage based on AIM+AGI+WP/3. And stuns for 0 to 2 seconds based on opponents CHG.
when your CHG is 0 you will take a 2 second stun. When your chg is 1-25 you will take a 1.5 second stun. when your chg is 26-50 you take a 1 second stun. when your chg is 51-75 take a .5 second stun. when your chg is 76-99 take a .25 second stun. when your chg is 100 and another player uses Conquerors Haki, it will be a aim+agi+wp/3 vs aim+agi+wp/3 and the greater amount will take the stun length of 2 seconds.

The question becomes when should a player obtain Conquerors Haki!?

The Answer: After defeating (insert new boss here)

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