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Haki (The next Level)

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Before I start, it should be noted that this is not for players that are under max level nor is it for players that don't like to work hard for their reward.

Haki wont make you a force to be reckoned with at the start but you will at the end, all of that being said let me give my suggestion on how I think Haki should be Implemented into the game.

At max level players will be able to choose 1 out of 3 Haki (Conqueror, Armament, or Observation which is the 3 names I will use for this suggestion) also obtaining one may not be as simple as just talking to a NPC (it could be a quest or even a boss drop).

After choosing a Haki, players will unlock a new leveling system that will be separate from their character level which will be called Haki level. (Example of this is a player can be level 50 character level and level 3 Haki level)

The same way players leveled their character, that's the same way players will level their Haki with PVP kills giving more exp than mobs.

Every Haki type will have it's own skill tree that will have passive skills and techniques that correspond the chosen Haki.
(Example of 1 of the 3 starting passive of a tree)
The player takes .5% less damage from attacks 0/10. 

The player have a .5% chance to stunning it's target after hitting them for 1 sec every 20 sec 0/10.

The player have a .5% chance to a dodge incoming attack every 10 sec 0/10.


Every time a player levels their Haki they will gain a Haki point which will be used in the Haki tree.

For every 10 Haki points used, players will unlock a new set of passives on the skill tree (level 10, 20, 30, 40) but at set levels (10, 25, 50) of the Haki level they will unlock a Haki Technique.

After saying all of this, I have not even talked about players having multiple Haki which is not unheard of. I do think this should be added also but having two Haki should not be better than just having 1.

The max Haki level will be 50 but at level 25, the player will have the option to advance the level of their current Haki (which is level 26-50) or to pick another Haki (by doing a quest) but will not be able to level the previous one any longer.

When a player picks another Haki, the new Haki they pick will start at level 1 but their Haki level will be level 26 which will mean that they will only be able to get to level 25 in the new Haki also.

It should be noted that until a player picks the advance form of their current Haki, they will not obtain the level 25 Haki technique.


It may seem a bit complex but it's not from a player stand point because it will be based on a combo of systems we already have in the game, for me this system will fix a lot of problems that we are having in the game right now.

1) Players getting to max level too fast will be fixed by this because they will have more levels to gain after getting to character level 50.
2) A new system to help player balance out their current build which may have seemingly been lacking in some areas.
3) Constant updates, this suggestion does not have to be added all at once, the first 10 Haki levels can be added and after some time more and more can be added to keep players coming back as a way of raising the level cap every so often along side adding new passives to trees.
4) RP is a part of the game and this system will show that in many ways, for example, if a player have the Armament Haki and your fighting them you will naturally see them taking less damage without them even using a technique.
5) This will also add some more income to the game, not only by players playing the game but also by having two new items in the cash shop in the form of a Haki point rest and the other in a Haki reset which will make player pick a whole new Haki but start at level 1 Haki level.

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Very great and complete suggestion!

I wonder, wouldn't it be better if a player can still have a 3rd technique if he choses to have 2 kind of haki? It could be a the level 25 technique of one of the 2 hakis or a brand new haki technique.

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This is an example of how the passives can be.
Note that the * means with every level in the passive that is how much % increase the gains.

Main passive: every haki point put into this tree will increase the player physical damage .1%* and damage resistance .1%*.

Study Body
The player gains .3%* damage resistance 0/10.

Harden Arms
The player deals .3%* more physical damage 0/10.

Reflective Armor
The player have a 1%* chance to reflect 1%* of damage taken back to the attacker 0/10.

Thick Skin:
Increase the player's Max HP by 1.5%* 0/10

Strong Limbs:
Increase the player's Agility scaling by 1%*

Unbreakable Armor
The player have a 10%* chance to take 1 damage when their Hp is full every 30 secs 0/10

Destructive Metal
The player has a 10%* to deal 2.5%* more damage when their Hp is full every 30 secs 0/10

Advance Study Body
The player gains .7%* damage resistance 0/10.

Advance Harden Arms
The player deals .7%* more physical damage 0/10.

Advance Reflect Armor
The player have a 2%* chance to reflect 2%* of damage back to the attacker 0/10.

Impenetrable Shield
When the player's Hp is above 50% they take 1.5%* less damage 0/10.

When the player Hp is above 50% they deal 1.5%* more damage 0/10.

Full Metal Body
Status effects are 5%* shorter and the player have a 10%* chance after being hit by a status effect to be immune to all status for 10 secs the effect happens every 20 secs 0/10

Main passive: every haki point put into this tree will increase the player Intimidating chance and effect by .1%*.

Intimidating Strike
The players attack have a 1%* chance to lower the targets defense by .3%* for 8sec

Intimidating Guard
When the player takes damage, they have a 1%* chance to lower the attacker's attack by .3%* for 8sec

Stunning Fear
The player have a .5%* chance to stun it's target after hitting them for 1 sec every 10 sec 0/10.

Full of Energy:
Increase the player's EN by 1.5%* 0/10

Unstoppable Will:
Increase the player's Willpower scaling by 1%* 0/10.

Spreading Fear
Every time the player cause a status effect, they have a 10%* chance to pass the effect to any enemy within 2 tiles 0/10

For every debuff on the target, the player deals .5%* more damage to them 0/10

Advance Intimidating Strike
The players attack have a 1.5%* chance to lower the targets defense by .7%* for 8sec

Advance Intimidating Guard
When the player takes damage, they have a 1.5%* chance to lower the attackers attack by .7%* for 8sec

Advance Stunning Fear
The player have a 1%* chance to stun it's target after hitting them for 1 sec every 10 sec 0/10.

Feeding off Fear
Every time the player activate Intimidating Strike effect they have a 10%* chance for 8 secs that their next technique will have no cooldown 0/10

True Fear
Every time the player activate Intimidating Guard effect they have a 10%* chance for 8 secs to put the attacker's next technique on a 30 secs cooldown when they try to use it 0/10

When the player have 50% more HP than the target, all the player's Intimidating chances and effects is increased by 10%*

Main passive: every haki point put into this tree will increase the player's crit chance and evasion by .1%*
Quick Evasion:
The player have a .5%* chance to evasion incoming attack every 10 sec 0/10.

Dead Eye:
Increase the player crit chance by .75%* 0/10.

Keen Eye:
Increase the players crit damage by 1.5%* 0/10.

Self Examination:
Increase the players En and HP by .75%* 0/10.

Take Aim:
Increase the players Aim scaling by 1%* 0/10.

Spot Weakness
The player have a 10%* chance when they hit the target to see their HP and EN until the pick another target 0/10.

Spot Intentions
The player have a 10%* chance when their target use a Technique to see the cooldown of the technique 0/10.

Advance Quick Evasion:
The player have a 1%* chance to evasion incoming attack every 10 sec 0/10.

Advance Dead Eye:
Increase the player crit chance by 1.25%* 0/10.

Advance Keen Eye:
Increase the players crit damage by 3%* 0/10.

Expose Weakness
Every time the player lands a critical hit, they leave the target venerable, lowering their crit resistance by 2%* for 10 secs 0/10.

Stay Composed
Every time the player evade an attack they have a 10%* chance to remove the evasion cooldown 0/10.

Predicting Movement
The player combines their crit and evasion percentage gain by this Haki and trade it for the ability to block attacks taking 5%* less damage also every time they block an attack which cost them 10 EN when they do so. 0/10

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