How do I beat Somobatsu the Hermit?


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Hi, I just got this game yesterday and I managed to get to level 12 and I am stuck on this quest from Shibi in which I have to defeat Somobatsu. I have no idea how to approach him because he just destroys me every time. I tried hitting him once and then go away till he doesn't chase me but his health regenerated before I managed to deal significant damage. If you are wondering what I am using as a melee weapon, I am using a wooden stick :))). Also I got the Swordman skill page 1 but now it doesn't appear in my inventory anymore and when I applied it (when I still had it ofc) it grayed out but I didn't notice any change. Maybe I am just really oblivious about this but yeah xD.

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ghost step. attack him whilst hes coming in, attack before he can and bolt. 

make him waste his dash, u have 8 seconds before its back up. hit and dash. 

12? get your health up asap.. try again at 15. 

get your health stat up early. u dont want to chase down health later. 

skills. typically use a skill and bolt, rinse repeat. hes .. easy in a few lvls go grind. try marines, not the swordsman or pirates. 

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On 8/12/2022 at 12:29 PM, Gikster007 said:

Hi, I just got this game yesterday and I managed to get to level 12 and I am stuck on this quest from Shibi in which I have to defeat Somobatsu. I have no idea how to approach him because he just destroys me every time. I tried hitting him once and then go away till he doesn't chase me but his health regenerated before I managed to deal significant damage. If you are wondering what I am using as a melee weapon, I am using a wooden stick :))). Also I got the Swordman skill page 1 but now it doesn't appear in my inventory anymore and when I applied it (when I still had it ofc) it grayed out but I didn't notice any change. Maybe I am just really oblivious about this but yeah xD.

Anuk said it all haha,

If you want to use your skills, you have to go on the Techniques window and drag the techniques in your hotbar or clicking on the technique. The default key for the technique window is "T".

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