Pirate Souls - Territory War!


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Hello everyone! This week we really focused on the end-game content and we are pleased to announce that we managed to add a Territory War in game!
That event will allow the winning faction to choose which island's Faction House they want to control.


What are Faction House?

  • Faction house are houses that your faction has the choice to unlock after winning a territory war.
  • Each Faction House has different perks.
  • One Faction house will allow you to trade keys for reputation points and upgrade the rarity of your key. And the other one will allow you to "trade" achievements for Soul Power (a force that will allow you to overcome your limit)!

How does the territory war works?
There are two rocks protecting each faction's flag in Marine Fortress.

Once the first rock is destroyed, everyone is alerted.
Once the second rock is destroyed, the attacking faction have 15 minutes to successfully destroy the enemy flag. If after 15 minutes the enemy flag is still there, the defending faction win and will not lose their previous territory (Faction House).

If the attacking faction manages to destroy the enemy flag before 15 minutes, they will have the option to choose which island they want to control, giving them access to that island Faction House.

A successful defense gives the territory war a 30 minutes cooldown before another attack can begin.
A successful attack gives the territory war a 6 hours cooldown before another attack can begin.

This event is still in its early stage so we can't wait to have your input on this!

We also pushed other updates along the territory war like:


  • Zoan transformation energy drain reduced from 5 to  3
  • Ice Spikes technique now throw 3 ice spikes in addition to the trap


  • Player's faction is now displayed by a logo on their target box



  • Added 3 new cash shop items! Chop Hat, Chop Pant and Fire Hat!
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When holding rhum or Hajiwari; Drop rate/Exp should be slightly increased depending on which place you control

Example: Marines Now control Hajiwari and gain increased drop rate/exp anywhere on Hajiwari
Pirates now control Rhum and gain increased drop rate and experience anywhere on Rhum

This is to further increase the want/need to do the War event.

24 hours is too long before another attack can commence.

I recommend making it 4 hours similar to how Nin Online's Raid Point system work; before another attack can begin

@Dona @Shenmue

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1 hour ago, JunPachi said:

When holding rhum or Hajiwari; Drop rate/Exp should be slightly increased depending on which place you control

Example: Marines Now control Hajiwari and gain increased drop rate/exp anywhere on Hajiwari
Pirates now control Rhum and gain increased drop rate and experience anywhere on Rhum

This is to further increase the want/need to do the War event.

24 hours is too long before another attack can commence.

I recommend making it 4 hours similar to how Nin Online's Raid Point system work; before another attack can begin

@Dona @Shenmue

After talking to Shenmue we decided to go for 4 hours before another attack can start and see how it goes.

If we want to add the xp boost, there are some things we need to rework before, but it is definitely a possibility.

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