Pirate Souls - Upcoming Weeks Updates


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Hello everyone, we want to share with you some exciting news about upcoming features that will be added to the game in the coming weeks. These features are designed to enhance your gameplay experience and add more depth to the game.

Battle Injuries Replacement
Battle Injuries has been criticized since the beginning of the game. We decided to try something new. We will be replacing it with Peace Mode. When a player dies, they will enter a 2 min Peace Mode, preventing them from going straight back to PvP or fighting a boss. This will prevent "BI warriors". It's an experimental feature and we may change it later. For example, by adding BI and Peace Mode on death.

Player will also lose 1 to 2 % of their berries on death.

Cosmetic Slots
We will be adding cosmetic slots to the inventory system, allowing players to hide equipped items and customize the appearance of their characters. At the same time, we will add bags to the Event Shop that will contain extra inventory slots.


Crafter Items Symbol
A new symbol will be added to identify crafter-only weapons in the item description window. This will make it easier for players to identify items that require a certain profesion to use.

World Fortune
A new cash shop item called World Fortune will be added. This item will increase the drop rate of items for all players online, giving everyone a chance to find rare items.

Mobs Gears
We will continue to add new gears in the game until all mobs have one. We already did approximately half of them.


We hope you are as excited as we are about these new features and we look forward to seeing you in the game. Keep an eye out for further announcements as we continue to work on improving gameplay experience.

Next week, we will be talking about long term game plan.
Thanks for your time and support!

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