Bug Reports

Found a bug when playing the game? Here's the place to report it.

Before submitting, read this!

Most bugs are not actually obvious, even if they look obvious to you. Usually issues actually only happen in a very specific set of circumstances, which you happen to have. These guidelines are designed to make sure we can figure out what's going on. So please never skip any part of the guidelines, no matter how obvious you think the problem is, or how many issues you've filed before - skipping any details will likely make it much more difficult to help you.

Make sure you understand the bug
Many bug reports are actually just unintended consequences of systems that are working as intended. This is not a bug, and should be addressed as a suggestion.

Make sure you are running the latest version of the game
To avoid reporting bugs we've already fixed, please verify the issue happens in the latest version of client, and then verify that there is no existing bug report that matches the issue you plan to report already in the Issues tab. There is a chance that it may already be fixed in the pending update.

Use the bug report template below
We need all this information to be able to help you. Please provide as much of the requested information as you can, including the system details or crash report information with every report.

  1. Description
  2. Steps to reproduce issue
  3. Error log file if necessary ({Pirate Souls.exe folder location}/logs/errors-Pirate Souls.log)

Only mention one problem per issue
Please only describe one problem in each issue you create. It's very confusing to have two separate descriptions at once and usually means you skipped some important information for one of them.